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鸵鸟业的发展基础是种鸟管理,而种鸟栏舍布局合理与否,也是种鸟基础设施中不可忽视的一部分,应引起重视。 在种鸟栏舍布局方面,我们有一深刻的体会和前车之辙的教训。这就是起初栏舍简陋,四周用竹竿捆绑,初期虽是节约费用,但竹竿日晒雨淋易老化,寿命短,修复率高,频繁支付费用,很不经济。特别是绑捆的铁丝,日久松动错位,经常划破种鸟脖子、伤种鸟脚趾、夹住种鸟的翅膀,给种鸟的安全饲养带来一定影响。实践证明,这种栏舍非改不可。于是我们对五十余个种鸟栏舍进行了 The development basis of the ostrich industry is the management of breeding birds, and whether or not the layout of the breeding sheds is reasonable is an important part of the infrastructure of bird breeding and should be taken seriously. In terms of the layout of breeding birds, we have a deep understanding of the lessons and lessons from the front. This is the beginning of the barracks simple, tied around with bamboo rafts, although the initial cost savings, but the bamboo raft easy to aging and aging, short life, high repair rate, frequent payment of fees, very uneconomical. In particular, tied bundles of iron wire are loosened and dislocated each day. They often cut through the necks of birds, injure the toes of birds, and trap the wings of breeding birds. This has a certain impact on the safe breeding of breeding birds. Practice has proved that this type of housing cannot be changed. So we conducted more than 50 species of birdhouses.
高性能计算将是曙光2007年的研发重点,曙光今年会把销售收入的5%投入到研发中,让高性能计算平民化。使用我国自主研发的,具有16个运算核心的“龙芯3号”处理器 High-perform
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