A Comparative Study of CART and PTM for Modelling Water Age

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiexieni777
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CART(Constituent-oriented age and residence time theory) and PTM(Particle-tracking method) are two widely used numerical methods to calculate water age. These two methods are essentially equivalent in theory but their results may be different in practice. The difference of the two methods was evaluated by applying them to calculate water age in an idealized one-dimensional domain. The model results by the two methods are consistent with each other in the case with either spatially uniform flow field or spatially uniform diffusion coefficient. If we allow the spatial variation in horizontal diffusion, a term called pseudo displacement arising from the spatial variation of diffusion coefficient likely plays an important role for the PTM to obtain accurate water age. In particular, if the water particle is released at a place where the diffusion is not the weakest, the water age calculated by the PTM without pseudo displacement is much larger than that by the CART. This suggests that the pseudo displacement cannot be neglected in the PTM to calculate water age in a realistic ocean. As an example, we present its potential importance in the Bohai Sea where the diffusion coefficient varies spatially and greatly. CART (Constituent-oriented age and residence time theory) and PTM (Particle-tracking method) are two widely used numerical methods to calculate water age. The two of them are essentially equivalent in theory but their results may be different in practice. The difference of the two methods was evaluated by applying them to calculate water age in an idealized one-dimensional domain. The model results by the two methods are consistent with each other in the case with either spatially uniform flow field or spatially uniform diffusion coefficient. If we allow the spatial variation in horizontal diffusion, a term called pseudo displacement arising from the spatial variation of diffusion coefficient likely plays an important role for the PTM to obtain accurate water age. In particular, if the water particle is released at a place where the diffusion is not the weakest, the water age calculated by the PTM without pseudo displacement is much larger than that by the CART. This suggests that the as an example, we present its potential importance in the Bohai Sea where the diffusion coefficient varies spatially and greatly.
衣料质地中,我首选棉,棉制品中尤喜牛仔布与毛巾布。因其洗后不易变形,可熨可不熨,故为懒人佳选——无须花大量工夫,看上去整洁清爽。  友人中有不少性格似百分百纯棉的——不用时时刻刻照顾其弱小的心灵,一年间三四次面,一般投机,无话不说,爽朗可爱,全天候,多年不变。  丝与麻,美则美矣,比较麻烦,简直需要伺候。可是許多人时间多得可以用来发呆,又穿得起,得其所哉。故甲之熊掌,乃乙之砒霜,信焉。  与一些怪
《数学课程标准》指出,数感的具体体现是:“理解数的意义;能用多种方法来表示数;能在具体的情境中把握数的大小关系;能用数来表达和交流信息;能为解决问题选择恰当的算法;能估计运算的结果,并对结果的合理性做出解释。”可见,培养学生的数感是当前数学教学的一个重要任务。那么,教师在教学中如何培养学生的数感呢?结合自己的教学实际,现就小学数学课堂教学中如何培养学生的数感,做一些粗浅的论述。  一、联系生活,获
2003年回广播学院,母校成立四十五周年校庆,一进校门不久,便不断面对师弟师妹合影与签名的要求。主持晚会时,我脱口而出:“这不是广播学院的传统,我们那时候,不管谁来,迎接他的都是质疑的问题和怀疑的眼光,而不是签名和合影。”  儿子上初中了,每当有人说起他爸爸时,他都含混其辞,而当有人问他将来是否像父亲一样当个主持人时,他总是极其不屑地回答:“拜托!我才不干那玩意儿呢!”在他眼里,做一个动漫工作者才