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生命,是自然界中最复杂、最奇妙的现象,是物质进化的最高形式。生命究竟是怎样产生的?它是否仅仅存在于地球上?宇宙中是否存在比地球文明更高级的生命形式?现代科学认为,只要具备合适的条件,如适当的温度、存在水源、环境稳定等,宇宙中的物质演化到一定阶段时就可能形成生命。因此,生命应该是一种普通的现象。人类的家园——地球在宇宙中并不占有特殊的地位,在其他天体上只要条件合适,也一定会有生命出现。这是因为,宇宙中存在着有机分子云,它是生命的物质基础。另外,生命是由非生命演化而来的。基于这两点,科学家认为,我们的地球并不孤独,宇宙中应当有我们的同伴,地外智慧生命的出现也许只是一个时间问题。 Life is the most complex and wonderful phenomenon in nature and the highest form of material evolution. How does life actually happen? Does it exist only on earth? Does there exist more advanced forms of life in the universe than Earth civilization? Modern science holds that as long as suitable conditions are available, such as proper temperature, water source and environmental stability, The material in the universe can evolve to a certain stage of life. Therefore, life should be a common phenomenon. Humankind’s homeland - the Earth does not occupy a special place in the universe. On other celestial bodies, as long as the conditions are right, there will surely be life. This is because there is an organic molecular cloud in the universe, which is the material basis of life. In addition, life evolved from non-life. Based on these two points, scientists believe that our planet is not alone, that our universe should have our companions, and that the emergence of extraterrestrial wisdom may be just a matter of time.
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