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对莽山北坡不同海拔高度的5个土壤剖面15个土样的粘粒矿物进行了X射线衍射分析和粘粒氧化物的化学选择溶提测试,结果表明:(1)莽山土壤中粘粒矿物组合的垂直变化明显。海拔500m以下的红壤、黄红壤的粘土矿物以1:1型高岭为主,粘粒氧化物中有较多的晶质氧化铁和热碱溶性氧化硅。海拔850m以上的黄壤、暗黄棕壤和山地灌丛草甸土的粘土矿物以2:1型的14×10~(-10)m过渡矿物和水云母为主,粘粒氧化物中有较多的无定形氧化铁、铝和三水铝石。(2)随海拔升高,土壤粘粒的硅铝率、氧化铁的游离度变幅不大,而氧化铁的活化度和各种氧化铝的富集明显提高。根据这些结果,结合莽山土壤的风化威土的条件与过程,讨论了莽山垂直带土壤中粘土矿物和氧化物的分布与演化过程的特点。 The clay minerals of 15 soil samples from 5 soil profiles with different altitudes at the northern slope of Mangshan Mountain were analyzed by X-ray diffraction and chemical selective stripping of clay oxides. The results showed that: (1) Vertical changes in the combination of grain and mineral significantly. The red soil of 500m below sea level, the clay minerals of yellow-red soil are mainly 1: 1 type kaolinite, there are more crystalline iron oxide and thermal alkali-soluble silicon oxide in the clay oxide. Clay minerals of yellow soil, dark yellow brown soil and mountain shrub meadow soil above 850m above sea level are dominated by 2 × 1-14 × 10 ~ (-10) m transitional minerals and water mica, and there are more clay oxides More amorphous iron oxide, aluminum and gibbsite. (2) With the elevation increasing, the content of silicon and aluminum in soil clay and the degree of freeness of iron oxide did not vary greatly, but the activation degree of iron oxide and the enrichment of various kinds of alumina increased obviously. Based on these results, the characteristics and process of the distribution and evolution of clay minerals and oxides in the vertical belt of Mangshan are discussed based on the conditions and process of the weathered soils in Mangshan.
日本富士通公司宣称研制成功每条指令只需一个时钟周期的RISC(精简指令系统)处理器,这将达到RISC处理机的终极目标。目前的RISC处理器执行 Japan’s Fujitsu Limited claim
变态反应 (变应 )性鼻炎是耳鼻咽喉科常见病、多发病。其病因复杂 ,机制尚未明确 ,临床治疗多以药物疗法为主。 1998年 7~ 12月我们采用射频治疗仪对 5 0例患者进行物理治疗 ,
近几年玩具气枪致儿童及青少年眼外伤,成为一种突出的致伤新因素。现将我科从1998年1月至1999年8月诊治的32例此类眼外伤,作一分析报告。1一般资料 32例眼外伤中发生在春节及寒假期间23例。均为
本文介绍一种以单片机Intel 8051为核心,研制开发的标准化试卷阅卷系统的功能和特点以及系统的软、硬件原理。 This article describes a kind of a single chip Intel 8051