A new approach of formation navigation derived from multi-robots cooperative online FastSLAM

来源 :控制理论与应用(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:binhuchen007
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A new formation navigation approach derived from multi-robots cooperative online FastSLAM is proposed.In this approach,the leader and follower robots are defined.The posteriofi estimation of the leader robot state is treated as a relative reference for all follower robots to correct their state priori estimations.The control volume of individual follower will be achieved from the results of the corrected estimation.All robots are observed as landmarks with known associations by the others and are considered in their landmarks updating.By the method,the errors of the robot posterior estimations are reduced and the formation is well kept.The simulation and physical experiment results show that the multi-robots relative localization accuracy is improved and the formation navigation control is more stable and efficient than normal leader-following strategy.The algorithm is easy in implementation.
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本文简述血管紧张素转化酶抑制药(angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor,ACEI)的发展、药理和生理作用及治疗心力衰竭的循证医学依据,同时讨论ACEI 的不良反应.
该文以玉米秸秆为原料,稀硫酸为催化剂,在[ Bmim] Cl离子液体介质中,用微波辐射加热促进纤维索的水解.探索硫酸的质量分数、微波辐射功率、微波辐射时间、微波辐射温度及离子
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