名品进名店 真皮鞋王东安联展 老店出妙手 厂商共建百姓乐园

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东安市场与中国皮革工业协会联手于1998年2月21日—3月21日在东安市场四楼举办“名品进名店,’98中国真皮鞋王产品”展示展销会,3月15日是保护消费者权益日,届时皮革质检专家将现场为消费者咨询服务。随着市场经济的发展,市场竞争日趋激烈,百年老店,重张开业。面对这种形势,我们感觉到老东安的传统不能丢,要进一步发扬光大。我们要以“情”、以“诚”来为广大宾客、为中外厂商服务。特别是面对变化的市场,要研究消费需求,引导消费。这也是我们的社会责任。产品质量一直是社会各界关注的课题,实施品牌战略也是我们振兴民族工业的重要举措。 Dong’an Market and China Leather Industry Association jointly organized the “Famous Goods into Famous Shops” and “98 China Leather Shoes King Products” Exhibition Fair held on the fourth floor of Dong’an Market from February 21, 1998 to March 21, 1998. The March 15th was On the day of protecting consumer rights, leather quality inspection experts will provide on-site consultation services for consumers. With the development of the market economy, the market competition has become increasingly fierce. A hundred-year-old shop has opened up again. Faced with this situation, we feel that the old Dong’an tradition cannot be lost, and we must further develop our reputation. We must use “emotion” and “honesty” to serve our guests and Chinese and foreign manufacturers. In particular, in the face of changing markets, we must study consumer demand and guide consumption. This is also our social responsibility. Product quality has always been a topic of concern for all walks of life. The implementation of the brand strategy is also an important measure for us to revitalize the national industry.
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