
来源 :中华少年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanxingyi
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随着教育改革的深入实施,人们对于老师的教学要求不再是应对考试那么简单,而是希望通过老师的教育,让学生能够最大程度的理解掌握所学的知识并且能够投入到实际应用当中,而传统的教育方式显然无法满足学生家长心中的教学要求,这就给老师提出了一道题目,如何去寻找一种新型的教育方式,让学生能够对所学知识掌握得更加清楚细致,而不仅是为了应对考试而学习。以因式分解公式的学习为例,该公式在老师眼中知识众多公式中简单的一个,学习起来应该是没有问题的,在进行讲解时,通常采取的教学路径是逆用乘法运算从而得到因式分解的公式。一般进行因式分解是采用涕公因式的方法,如果能够运用公式如平方差公式和完全平方公式,则使用公式来解决问题,虽然老师在课堂讲解时得到了积极的反馈,并且在随后的练习中有较好的效果,但当学生脱离课本进行单独解答问题时,却暴露出很多的问题,这就是对于该知识未理解透彻的表现。 With the deepening of education reform, people's teaching requirements for teachers are no longer as simple as exams. Instead, they hope that through the education of teachers, students will be able to understand and master the knowledge learned and put it into practice. The traditional way of education is obviously unable to meet the teaching needs of the parents of parents, which gives the teacher a topic, how to find a new type of education, so that students can learn more clearly and carefully, not only Learn to deal with exams. Taking the factorization formula learning as an example, the formula in the teacher's eyes a lot of knowledge of many formulas in a simple, learning should be no problem, in the explanation, the teaching path is usually taken in reverse multiplication operation to get the factor Decomposition formula. Generally, factorization is a common way of using the common male mutilation (TNT) method. If you can use formulas such as the square difference formula and the complete square formula, you can use the formula to solve the problem. Although the teacher received positive feedback in the class explanation, There are good results in the exercises, but when the students separate from the textbooks to answer the questions, it exposes a lot of problems, which is a manifestation of the knowledge that is not understood thoroughly.
心系万家灯火 甘当电力公仆──记石门县三电办副主任龚成建龚成建自1993年任三电办常务副主任兼用电办副主任以来,多次被评为优秀共产党员和先进工作者,1994年受到县里表彰,被常德电业