
来源 :黄金时代 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lihonggeng
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周远鸿填好了个人求职简历,交给人事经理。人事经理说:“你填写的工资心理价位太高了。”周远鸿说:“不是你要我填写吗,我不想填,你非得要我填,填的工资心理价位还算低的,2500~3000,是很低的工资,不及一个保姆的工资,保姆的工资三四千,月子保姆涨到七八千了。”人事经理说:“这里只能给两千,总仓这个岗位工资,就这样低,领班的也才有2300元。你愿不愿意做?”周远鸿说:“随你们便吧。”“坐仓库,要会守得住,耐得住寂寞。”“我自己以前开了多年店的,每天坐,年年坐,我呆得住。”周远鸿说。 Zhou Yuanhong filled a personal resume, to the personnel manager. Personnel manager said: “You fill in the wage psychological price is too high.” “Zhou Yuanhong said: ” You do not want me to fill it, I do not want to fill, you have to fill me, fill in the wage psychological price is still low, 2500 ~ 3000, is a very low salary, less than a nanny salary, nanny salaries thirty-four thousand, month nanny rose to seven or eight thousand. “Personnel Manager said: ” Here can only give two thousand, the total positions This position wages, so low, the foreman has only 2300 yuan. Would you like to do? “Zhou Yuanhong said:” With you, then. “” Sit in the warehouse, to be able to keep, durable Lonely. “” I’ve opened a multi-year store before, every day sitting, sitting year round, I stay. "Zhou Yuanhong said.
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