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孙武是著名的注重国利、军利和民利的军事家。他的《孙子兵法》充满着积极的趋利避害的战略战术思想。不论是将士奔赴疆场厮杀的政治目的 ,还是行军作战的种种活动 ,都强调坚持趋利避害的原则。“利”成了《孙子兵法》的灵魂。恩格斯在《家庭、私有制和国家起源》中指出 :“一 Sun Wu is a famous military strategist who pays attention to the interests of China, the military and the people and the people. His “Art of War” is full of strategic thinking and tactics of positive profit and avoidance. Whether it is the political purpose for the soldiers to go to the battlefield or the various activities to march against each other, all emphasize the principle of persistently pursuing the trend of avoiding disadvantages. “Lee” has become the “Art of War,” the soul. Engels pointed out in his book “The Origins of Family, Private Ownership and State:”
We Senior Three Group in our school had no vacation from the beginning of this semester,so our leader had a mercy on us.He made up his mind to afford us a free
Each year, Harvard rejects four out of five valedictorians and hundreds of students with perfect SAT scores, leaving applicants and parents wondering what went
★tThe giant squid (大鱿鱼), found usually in the deep reaches (河段,流域) of the oceans, has the largest eye of any animal.★ tA male gypsy moth (吉普赛蛾) can
古希腊哲学家芝诺,以提出“飞箭不动”等疑难闻名于史。从字面上看,“飞箭不动”是一个矛盾的命题:箭既然在飞,它就不可能不动。然而芝诺却有自己的论证。 The ancient Gree
Directions: Complete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese givenin brackets.87. Having spent some time in the city, he had no