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在46具成尸和12侧筑型标本共104侧下肢中,观测了腓动脉和足背动脉.根据腓动脉的起源和是否代替胫后动脉、及其代替程度而分为六型:Ⅰ型为腓动脉起于胫后动脉(93侧、89.42%);Ⅱ型为腓动脉起于腘动脉(1侧、0.96%),Ⅲ型为腓动脉起于胫前动脉(1侧、0.96%),Ⅳ型为腓动脉完全代替胫后动脉(4侧、3.85%);Ⅴ型为腓动脉部分代替胫后动脉,即胫后动脉较细,至足底只移行为足底内侧动脉,而足底外侧动脉则来自腓动脉(2侧、1.92%);Ⅳ型为腓动脉与胫后动脉吻合成环状(3侧、2.88%).根据足背动脉来源不同而分为三型:Ⅰ型为足背动脉起于胫前动脉(98侧、94.23%);Ⅱ型为足背动脉同时起于胫前动脉和腓动脉穿支(4侧、3.85%);Ⅲ型为足背动脉起于腓动脉穿支,此时的胫前动脉非常细小(2侧、1,92%),各型足背动脉与腓动脉各型间的对应关系是:Ⅰ型足背动脉(98侧)可出现在各型腓动脉中,而Ⅱ型(4侧)、Ⅲ(2侧)足背动脉仅出现在Ⅰ型腓动脉中.一般情况下,因小腿主要血管间吻合极为丰富,截取腓动脉的各种组织移植不会影 Peroneal artery and dorsalis pedis artery were observed in 104 sides of 46 adult cadavers and 12 lateral buccal specimens.According to the origin of the peroneal artery and whether to replace the posterior tibial artery, The peroneal artery originated in the posterior tibial artery (93.49%). The type II was the peroneal artery in the popliteal artery (0.96%), the type Ⅲ was the peroneal artery in the anterior tibial artery (1 .96%), , Type Ⅳ for the complete replacement of the peroneal artery of the posterior tibial artery (4 sides, 3.85%); type Ⅴ for the part of the peroneal artery instead of the posterior tibial artery, that is, the posterior tibial artery thinner to the plantar only migrate to the medial plantar artery, and foot The basolateral arteries originate from the peroneal artery (2 sides, 1.92%). The type Ⅳ is an anastomosis of the peroneal and posterior tibial artery (3 sides, 2.88%). According to the origin of the dorsalis pedis artery, The dorsalis pedis artery originated from the anterior tibial artery (94.23%) at the dorsalis pedis artery. The dorsalis pedis artery occured at both anterior tibial artery and peroneal artery perforator (3.85%) at the same time. The peroneal artery perforating branches, the anterior tibial artery at this time is very small (2 sides, 1,92%), the corresponding relationship between the various types of dorsalis pedis artery and peroneal artery type is: type Ⅰ dorsalis pedis artery (98 side) In all types of peroneal artery, and type Ⅱ (4 sides) and Ⅲ (2 sides) dorsalis pedis artery only appear in type Ⅰ PF. Under normal circumstances, due to the main leg anastomosis between the vascular is very rich, intercepted periosteal tissue transplantation will not affect
摘 要: “六步教学法”即自学寻疑—组内互助—组间答疑—教师点拨—自主总结—检测反思这六个步骤,通过这六个步骤,学生充分发挥小组合作学习的优势,意识到合作学习的重要意义,激发学生学习数学的热情,使课堂效率提到全新的高度。  關键词: 六步教学 组内互助 反思总结 拓宽视野
一种检测人IFN-γ的新方法[英]/walterD…//JournalofImmunologicalmethods.-1994,168.-39~47用传统的生物学检测方法,在体液和T细胞培养上清中常不能准确地测出IFN-γ水平,商品化的试剂盒又很昂贵... A New Method for Detecting Human IFN-γ / w
每天要做的:保持良好性爱生活的基础在于互相关心和体贴,一些虽然细小的琐事却可以使对方感到你的理解和关怀。 What to do every day: Maintaining a good sex The foundat
本文研究了杜氏利什曼原虫前鞭毛体的感染抑制骨髓衍生的巨噬细胞(BMM)发生编程性死亡(Apoptosis)的机制。 从6—8周龄雌性BALB/c小鼠股骨中提取骨髓细胞,细胞在含10%L929细
三小姨子夫妇到家里做客,吃饭的时候,母亲盯着她的手说:“筷子拿这么远,怪不得要嫁到那么远去。”   我那荷兰人的连襟,也跟着一笑,用流利的中文打趣:“我的筷子也拿这么远,怪不得会娶到中国太太。”     一   从我记事,就常见母亲对那些筷子拿得远的女孩子说“将来准会嫁得远远的”这类话。似乎一方面说给女孩的父母听:“你们这个女儿不中留,养大就飞了,而且飞得很远。”一方面说给女孩听:“将来嫁出