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目的 了解西藏地区 3岁以下儿童的营养状况。方法 采用横断面调查设计与分层多阶段随机抽样法 ,获取样本 ,以身长和体重作为衡量儿童营养状况的基本指标 ,利用WHO/NCSH参考标准对儿童的营养状况进行评价。结果 调查获得 16 5 5对母与子 ,与WHO/NCHS标准分布比较 ,该地区 3岁以下儿童整体营养状况较差 ,以身长减低为突出 ,提示为长期的慢性营养不良。生长迟缓、低体重和消瘦的总患病率分别为 :39 0 % ,2 3 7% ,5 6 % ,农村高于城市 ,牧区高于农区。海拔是影响该地区儿童体格发育的重要因素 ,对身长的影响尤为明显。结论 西藏地区 3岁以下儿童的整体营养状况差 ,中重度营养不良的患病率高 ,地区间差异较大 Objective To understand the nutritional status of children under 3 in Tibet. Methods Cross-sectional survey design and stratified multistage random sampling method were used to obtain samples. The body length and body weight were used as the basic indicators to measure the nutritional status of children. The nutritional status of children was evaluated using WHO / NCSH reference standard. Results A total of 16 5 5 pairs of mother and child were surveyed. Compared with the WHO / NCHS standard distribution, the overall nutritional status of children under 3 years of age in the region was poor, with a decrease in their length, suggesting long-term chronic malnutrition. The total prevalence rates of stunting, weight loss and weight loss were 39 0%, 23 7% and 56% respectively. Rural areas were higher than urban areas and pastoral areas were higher than rural areas. Elevation is an important factor that affects the physical development of children in this area, and the effect on height is especially obvious. Conclusion The overall nutritional status of children under 3 years of age in Tibet is poor, the prevalence of moderate-severe malnutrition is high, and the differences among regions are large
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