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以矮秆蓖麻杂交种aLmAB8×CSR181为供试材料,对宽窄行平作的全膜覆盖、半膜覆盖、膜下滴灌和匀垄直播、大小垄直播的5种种植方式采取随机区组试验设计,进行了不同种植方式对矮秆蓖麻田土壤温度、蓖麻产量影响的研究.试验结果表明,1)全膜覆盖对提高土壤温度效果最好,其次是膜下滴灌,再次是半膜覆盖;大小垄种植比匀垄种植能提高土壤温度,但效果次于3种覆膜的种植方式.不同种植方式之间土壤耕层(0~20 cm平均)全天温度变化比较明显,在出苗后到植株封垄期间土壤温度为全膜覆盖>膜下滴灌>半膜覆盖>大小垄>匀垄.2)5种种植方式产量大小顺序依次为全膜覆盖、膜下滴灌、半膜覆盖、大小垄、匀垄,分别为3516.7333 kg/hm~2,3463.9154 kg/hm~2,3187.0238 kg/hm~2,3105.8862 kg/hm~2,2833.1746 kg/hm~2.3)不同覆膜方式之间产量除了全膜覆盖与膜下滴灌、半膜覆盖与大小垄产量之间差异达显著水平外,其他互相之间产量均达极显著水平.4)覆膜(黑色地膜)能够有效地控制杂草,尤其是全膜覆盖控制杂草的效果更为明显. A random amplified polymorphic DNA (aLmAB8 × CSR181) was used to test the five planting patterns of broad-leaved and narrow-row monoculture, semi-film coverage, The effects of different planting methods on the soil temperature and castor yield in dwarf castor field were studied.The results showed that 1) the full mulching had the best effect on soil temperature, followed by the drip irrigation under mulch and again the semi-mulching; The results showed that soil temperature increased with the increase of ridge width and ridge width, but the effect was inferior to that with three kinds of mulching methods.The soil temperature (0 ~ 20 cm average) varied significantly between daytime and day after emergence The temperature of the soil during the sealing of the plant was all-membrane-covered> drip irrigation under the membrane> half-membrane-covered> the size of the ridge-even-ridge.2. The order of the yield of the five plantations was in sequence of total membrane coverage, drip irrigation under the membrane, , Uniform ridge, respectively 3516.7333 kg / hm ~ 2,3463.9154 kg / hm ~ 2,3187.0238 kg / hm ~ 2,3105.8862 kg / hm ~ 2,2833.1746 kg / hm ~ 2.3) Membrane coverage and drip irrigation under the membrane, the difference between the semi-membrane coverage and the size of the ridge reached The outer level, between each other were highly significant yield .4) film (black film) can effectively control weeds, especially mulching weed control effect is more obvious.
RAE全称为RESEARCH ASSESSMENT EXERCISE(研究评估办法),是目前英国用于评价大学各系科研质量和分配各系科研经费的主要办法.rn