A ECG Tele-monitoring Method and System Based on Embedded Web Server

来源 :Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyuhuy
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This paper describes the development of a new ECG tele-monitoring method and system based on the embedded web server. The system consists of ECG recorders with network interface and the embedded web server, internet networks and computers, with the system operating on browser/server(B/S) mode. The ECG recorder was designed by ARM9 (S3C2410X) and embedded operating system (Linux). Once the ECG recorder has been connected to the internet network, medical experts can use the internet to access the server of the ECG recorder, monitor ECG signals, and diagnose patients by browsing the dynamic web pages in the embedded web server. The experimental results reveal that the designed system is stable, reliable, and suitable for the use in real-time ECG tele-monitoring for both family and community health care. This paper describes the development of a new ECG tele-monitoring method and system based on the embedded web server. The system consists of ECG recorders with network interface and the embedded web server, internet networks and computers, with the system operating on browser / server (B / S) mode. The ECG recorder was designed by ARM9 (S3C2410X) and embedded operating system (Linux). Once the ECG recorder has been connected to the internet network, medical experts can use the internet to access the server of the ECG recorder, monitor ECG signals, and diagnose patients by browsing the dynamic web pages in the embedded web server. The experimental results reveal that the designed system is stable, reliable, and suitable for the use in real-time ECG tele-monitoring for both family and community health care.
在生活中,有的人脏话不离口;有的人尽管平时不怎么说,但一到气头上,脏话就脱口而出了;更有一些人,网下文质彬彬,一到网上则脏话连篇。脏话为何如此受人青睐?  关于脏话,众所周知的一件事情是:青少年爱说脏话;男人比女人爱说脏话;缺乏教养的人爱说脏话;还有就是,人在气愤的时候容易说脏话……总而言之,说不说脏话,似乎与自我控制力有关。一个人需要较强的自我控制力,才不至于让脏话脱口而出。  这件事细想之下未
邓小平同志曾指出:“发展才是硬道理。”我国加入 WTO 以后,发展已成为出版行业不得不面对的问题,而综合性大学出版社就更是如此。我国的综合性大学出版社,大多发展较慢,实力
“现在的竞争,靠的就是产品。现阶段,只要产品好了。每年新增用户量占到行业15%是不成问题的。”  考公务员,看《半月谈》。不知从何时起,这句话成为公考群体的流行语。  而它致力打造的新星“半月谈网校”则立志成为公考的权威在线教育平台。  作为一家新兴在线教育机构,它为何能在全国上千家公考机构中脱颖而出?研究国内外很多资料后,半月谈新媒体中心总经理、半月谈网校总经理孙潮在接受《东方企业家》杂志采访时
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