Sewage flow optimization algorithm for large-scale urban sewer networks based on network community d

来源 :Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ggtand007
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By considering the flow control of urban sewer networks to minimize the electricity consumption of pumping stations, a decomposition-coordination strategy for energy savings based on network community division is developed in this paper. A mathematical model characterizing the steady-state flow of urban sewer networks is first constructed, consisting of a set of algebraic equations with the structure transportation capacities captured as constraints. Since the sewer networks have no apparent natural hierarchical structure in general, it is very difficult to identify the clustered groups. A fast network division approach through calculating the betweenness of each edge is successfully applied to identify the groups and a sewer network with arbitrary configuration could be then decomposed into subnetworks. By integrating the coupling constraints of the subnetworks, the original problem is separated into N optimization subproblems in accordance with the network decomposition. Each subproblem is solved locally and the solutions to the subproblems are coordinated to form an appropriate global solution. Finally, an application to a specified large-scale sewer network is also investigated to demonstrate the validity of the proposed algorithm. By considering the flow control of urban sewer networks to minimize the electricity consumption of pumping stations, a decomposition-coordination strategy for energy savings based on network community division is developed in this paper. A mathematical model characterizing the steady-state flow of urban sewer networks is first constructed, consisting of a set of algebraic equations with the structure transportation rights captured as constraints. It is very difficult to identify the clustered groups. A fast network division approach through calculating the betweenness of each edge is successfully applied to identify the groups and a sewer network with arbitrary configuration could be then decomposed into subnetworks. The original problem is separated into N optimization subproblems in accordance with the network decomposition Each subprob Finally, an application to a specified large-scale sewer network is also investigated to demonstrate the validity of the proposed solution.
30年前,当我从江汉平原的乡村来到武汉大学的时候,心情仿佛滔滔江水,激动难已。我感到,我的命运开始转折了。    在文学的引导下走近哲学    对于一个尚未见过世面的乡村少年来说,走进武大,我对一切都感到无比惊讶。当然,最新奇的还是专业学习。我读的是中国语言文学专业,这与当时的社会氛围有关。那时,大学里受欢迎的专业多是数理化和文史哲这类基础学科,其中,文学往往是文科人的首选。同时,人的青春期也是文