“整”出规律 “学”出门道——以六年级“群读类学”研究为例浅谈课程整合

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广义的课程整合,不仅仅是一种组织课程内容的方法,还是一种课程设计的理念以及与其相关的学校教育理念;狭义的课程整合,指一种特定的课程设计方法,这里谈的是狭义的课程整合。如何使课程整合走向深入呢?以小学六年级语文“群读类学”研究为例,梳理经验,反思做法。一、语文学科内的课程整合语文学科内的课程整合,要求打破原有的结构安排和方法设计,以特定的目标为中心,重新组织课程内容。语文教师应该在课程标准的指导下,依据某一学段的学习目标,以学生既有的学习经验为基础,重组教学 The generalized curriculum integration is not only a method of organizing the content of the curriculum, but also a concept of the curriculum design and the concept of school education related to it. Narrowly defined curriculum integration refers to a specific method of curriculum design, which is narrower Course integration. How to make the curriculum integration go deeper? Take the sixth grade of primary school language “group reading classics ” as an example, combing experience, reflection practice. I. Integration of Curricula in Chinese Curriculum The integration of curricula in Chinese subject requires breaking the original structural arrangement and method design and reorganizing the curricula with a particular goal as the center. Chinese teachers should be under the guidance of the curriculum standards, based on the learning objectives of a particular section, based on the students’ existing learning experience, reorganization of teaching
【正】 秦岭地区处于我国东西和南北地质构造衔接的枢纽地带,泥盆系是秦岭金属矿产最重要的容矿层位。本书着重研究了东秦岭造山带泥盆系的地层、沉积相、区域地球化学、区域