加快公路改建 促进经济发展

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宿迁市公路管理站从1993年起,三年三大步,认真搞好公路改建,三年来共改造了六条主要交通干线,计115公里,完成了153.6万方路基土方。沥青路面由三年前的65公里增加到175公里,占整个养护公路里程的41.48%,公路技术等级不断提高。 一、统一认识,抓住机遇,搞好公路改建 宿迁公路站担负着市境292.36公里的公路建养管收任务。这些道路大多是建于五六十年代的砂石路,由于设计标准低、路面狭窄、路况差,导致了车辆运输不畅,制约了 Since 1993, Suqian Highway Management Station has made three major strides in three years and seriously improved the reconstruction of the highway. In the past three years, it has rebuilt a total of six major traffic lines with a total length of 115 kilometers and completed 1.536 million cubic meters of earth. Asphalt pavement increased from 65 km three years ago to 175 km, accounting for 41.48% of the total mileage of highway maintenance. The technical grade of the highway is continuously improving. I. Unite Understanding, Seize the Opportunity and Improve Highway Reconstruction Suqian Highway Station is responsible for the task of highway construction and management of 292.36 kilometers of urban area. Most of these roads were gravel roads built in the 1950s and 1960s. Due to the low design standards, the narrow road surface and poor road conditions, the vehicles were poorly transported and restricted
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