祖国大西南一隅金花银瀑的故乡云南罗平,活跃着6位豆蔻年华、心灵手巧、思维敏捷的俏姑娘,她们平均年龄25岁,清一色的“绿衣天使”,用真诚和微笑得到了客户的信赖和肯定,以踏实肯干的工作态度赢得了社会各界的认可。人们只要一提起罗平邮政女子投递班这个朝气蓬勃的群体就会称赞一番。 服务是企业的生命,邮政投递是邮政服务的窗口。去年8月,罗平邮政局从抓工作质量和服务质量入手,力求信誉第一、服务第一,建立有效的人才激励机制与约束机制,深化干部人事、劳动用工、工资
Yunnan Luoping, the hometown of the Golden Flower Waterfall in the Great Southwest of China, is home to 6 cardosy, smart, and agile Qiao girls who average 25 years of age and are all-enchanted “green angels” and have sincerely and smuggled their customers Trust and affirmation, won the approval of all walks of life with practical work attitude. As long as people mention Luo Ping postal delivery class this vibrant group will be praised. Service is the life of the enterprise, postal delivery is the window of the postal service. In August last year, Luoping Post Bureau, starting from grasping the quality of work and service quality, endeavored for credibility first and service first and established an effective talent incentive and restraint mechanism to deepen cadre and personnel, labor and employment, wages