7.活肝血—肝血瘀滞(症见胁肋疼痛,肝脾肿大,或经闭,痛经等属于血瘀者) 丹皮偏于凉血,并退阴热寒性赤芍并能清热凉血偏于活血,多治跌打瘀肿丹参并善消肝脾肿大,镇静安神,近多用于冠心病心绞痛,有扩张外周血管、降压、镇静作用治肝血药川芎—尤长于祛风止头痛,常配白芷、藁本同用红花偏于通经、妇科多用多用于跌打、经闭桃仁并能润肠、止咳温性三棱行气力胜活血祛瘀之力大,并能行气止痛莪术偏于祛瘀,近有用于癌肿者当归一详见补肝血药8.舒肝郁—肝气郁结(症见胁肋痛,疝气痛,月经不调,痛经,苔白,脉弦。可见于神经官能症、慢性肝炎、慢性胆囊炎、消化性溃疡、月经不调等见有上述证候者)
7. Liver blood - liver blood stagnation (see Jian Xie rib pain, hepatosplenomegaly, or amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, etc. are blood stasis) Dan Pi partial cooling blood, and the return of hot and cold red peony and can Heat and cooling blood is partial to blood circulation, multiple cures, bruises, swollen salvia and good elimination of hepatosplenomegaly, sedative, nearly angina for coronary heart disease, there is expansion of peripheral blood vessels, blood pressure, sedative effect of liver blood drug Chuanxiong - especially longer than Hurricane to stop headaches, often with white peony root, quasi-branch with safflower bias in the pass, gynecological multi-use more for bruises, closed by peach kernel and can intestine, cough thermogenic trilateral line strength is better than blood stasis, And can be qi analgesic surgery partial to the phlegm, there are recent for cancer patients Angelica see a liver blood drug 8. Shugan Yu - liver qi stagnation (syndrome rib pain, belching, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, moss White, pulse string, visible in neurosis, chronic hepatitis, chronic cholecystitis, peptic ulcer, irregular menstruation etc. See above syndromes)