
来源 :河北林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jovewu
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该文对燕山浅山区油松天然次生林中昆虫(包括蜘蛛)群落的种类组成、垂直结构、季节变化以及不同林分类型中昆虫群落的变化情况进行了初步研究。在燕山浅山区油松天然次生林中存在着种类丰富的昆虫和蜘蛛,包括昆虫纲的19目、89科、552种,蜘蛛纲的2目56种,其中天敌类群占总种数的30.5%,植食性种占64.9%;在林内垂直方向上,以下木层昆虫种类最为丰富;在不同时间上,以7、8月份昆虫种类最为繁多。对不同林分类型昆虫种类及多样性的研究表明,混交林中昆虫种类多于纯林,其群落多样性也高于纯林;人为干扰较少的林分中昆虫种类多于人为干扰严重的林分,其群落多样性也较高。混交林和保护较好、生长旺盛的林分中昆虫种类更为复杂,其数量分布也更为均匀,群落多样性和稳定性也较高,某一种昆虫数量剧增到猖獗水平的可能性也较小,故害虫爆发成灾的概率较小 In this paper, the species composition, vertical structure and seasonal variation of insects (including spiders) in the natural secondary forest of Pinus tabulaeformis in shallow mountainous area of ​​Yanshan Mountains were studied. The changes of insect community in different forest types were also studied. A total of 19 species, 89 families and 552 species of Insecta and 56 species of 2 orders of Arachnida were found in natural secondary forest of Pinus tabulaeformis in shallow mountainous area of ​​Yanshan. Among them, natural enemies accounted for 30.5 %, And phytophagous species accounted for 64.9%. In the vertical direction of the forest, the following woody insect species were the most abundant; insect species were the most numerous in July and August at different times. The study on the species and diversity of different forest types of insects showed that there were more insect species in mixed forest than pure forest and higher community diversity than those in pure forest. Stands, their community diversity is also higher. The species of mixed insects in the mixed forests and the well-protected and vigorous growth areas are more complicated, their distribution is more uniform, the diversity and stability of the communities are higher, and the possibility of a certain kind of insects increasing to a rampant level Also smaller, so the probability of pests outbreak disaster
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