The Survey of the Study of Yeats and Eliot in Our Country

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  1. The Survey of the Study of Yeats in Our Country
  Yeats was the leading person of the Irish Literary Revival Movement. He was the soul of the modern Ireland. In 1885, he began to publish poems. But very little translation of his poems was done in our country. His poems first appeared in our papers in 1921. Only after Yeats was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature, did we pay attention to him. Because of the continued civil wars, almost no translation or introduction of Yeats could be found before 1949. In 1954, Yeats’ The Folklores of Ireland was published. But the translation and introduction of Yeats ware stopped for our domestic reasons. The translation of Yeats did begin in the middle of the 1980’s. Soon many Yeats’ poems were introduced to the Chinese readers through translation and a big stir was made. Qiu Xiaolon translated some of Yeats’ lyric poems, the most representative being Leda and the Swan. Fu Hao translated three volumes of Yeats’ poems. Wang Jiaxin edited A Collection of Yeats Poems. Xi Meng translated A Vision by Yeats. Many research papers studying Yeats and his poems followed the translations. Li Xiaojun’s paper made a study of the theme of Yeats. He Shu wrote a monograph studying the Irish Literary Revival Movement, in which he made an analysis and study of Yeats, the leading artist of the movement. The Biography of Yeats written by Fu Hao was the first monograph about Yeats. The book introduced Yeats’ life and discussed Yeats’ ideas and his creations, providing rich detailed background materials about Yeats. Pu Dujie wrote a paper researching the symbols in Yeats’ poems. Wu Yaosu devoted a whole chapter to discuss Yeats’ pursuit for his ideal society. The book written by Li Jing is the only one that covers every aspect of Yeats. Her work introduces Yeats life, divides the stages of his creation, analyzes his creative passion and makes a study of his poems, ideas and Yeats’ personal and social backgrounds.
  All these papers are limited to a certain aspect of Yeats. The paper written by He Shu studied Yeats’ Anglo-Irish identity. His study provided facts to understand Yeats’ idea and themes of poetry. Many papers aimed at the study of Yeats’ love poems that are most touching. The papers confirmed that without the love poems, Yeats could not be called a poet. Some papers made a study about Yeats’ poetic themes. Ling Jing thinks that the most important theme in Yeats poems is Ireland. Because Ireland is Yeats’ root, Ireland is where Yeats feelings lie, Ireland is the fountain for Yeats’ creation and Ireland is Yeats’ final resting place. Some papers studied Yeats’ attitude to life and death. Many more papers explored the symbols used in Yeats’ poems. This study is attractive and endless. Why Yeats and Eliot are in the centre of literature is that their poems are full of symbols. With symbols, their poems are mysterious. The more mysterious they are, the more people read, guess and review.   In general, the research papers and monographs mentioned above all aim at a certain aspect of Yeats. It is impossible to make a whole-sided study of Yeats and his poems in one paper or in one book.
  2. The Survey of the Study of Eliot in China
  China’s study of Eliot began in the thirties of the last century. Ye Gongchao was the first researcher who opened the door to study Eliot in China. In 1934, He published his paper entitled Eliot’s Poetry in about seven thousand words. The paper is seen as the first specialized paper studying Eliot in our country. In the paper, Ye Gongchao introduced Eliot’s poems, theory and creative skills. He also discussed the similarities between the Chinese poems and Eliot’s poems.
  Zhao Luorui, a student of Ye Gongchao, was the first translator of Eliot’s poems. The Waste Land translated by her was the first Chinese version in our country. After studying Eliot’s poems carefully, she wrote out a research paper entitled Eliot and The Waste Land. Published in 1940, the paper made a whole analysis of the art features of Eliot’s poems and was seen as one of the pioneer papers and one of the masterpieces studying Eliot in the thirties and forties of the last century in China. She stressed that only with a modest study, reading and analysis, could we comment on Eliot correctly. If we wanted to review Eliot accurately, we must understand his time. From this viewpoint, she penetrated her analysis into Eliot’s society and culture from the writing techniques.
  Because of the social turmoils, the study of Eliot in our country was fragmentary and unsystematic. From the fifties to the end of “the Cultural Revolution,” the study of Eliot in our country paused. Owing to our political extremity, Eliot was seen by us as the lord of the reactionary literature. Eliot was severely criticized in the fifties and sixties in our country. Yuan Kejia and Wang Zuoliang wrote articles criticizing Eliot’s political stand and wholly negating Eliot’s art theory and his achievement in poetry. It was unfair for Eliot. Many years later, the two scholars revised their viewpoints.
  After “the Cultural Revolution,” the study of Eliot began again and went on a right way. Many researchers published papers on Eliot. Among the researchers, Zhao Yihen, Ling Lu and Zhong Guangguan made an exploration of the symbols in Eliot’s poems and gave some explanations to some allusions in Eliot’s poems, providing a big help for the Chinese readers in their understanding of Eliot’s poems.   A great development was made in the study of Eliot in the nineties. A large number of researchers published their research papers. Xiang Xiaomin and Gao Chuanxiang made a study of Eliot’s symbolic poems respectively and brought about many convincing results.
  In the later part of the nineties and the beginning of this century, the study of Eliot became prosperous in our country. Many well-known scholars published their research papers of high quality, pushing this study to a climax and shortening the distance between China and the world in this realm. T. S. Eliot and the English Romantic Tradition written by Zhang Jiang is the first monograph on Eliot in our country. The work written by Jiang Hongxin is the first monograph making a whole-sided study of Eliot’s poetic art. Hong Zongying published the first biography of Eliot in China.
  A great contribution was made to the study of the western modern literature through a collection of research papers edited by Li Guicang, a professor of Zhejiang Normal University. This collection contains scores of research papers studying the modern literature including Eliot from different perspectives and different angles. Prof. Li Guicang has made a deep study of Eliot from the levels of philosophy, comparative literature, sociology and aesthetics and brought about many authoritative conclusions and instructive viewpoints.
  3. The Conclusion of the Study of Yeats and Eliot in Our Country
  The study of Yeats and Eliot in our country began only thirty years ago, but great achievements have been made and the distance between our country and Europe in this study has been shortened. Despite of the large number of researchers and research papers, we can’t find any researcher or a paper that once made a comparative study of the two leading poets of symbolism. So a comparative study of any aspect of the two poets is to be of world significance and the comparative study of the symbols in the poems of the two poets is and will be infinitely attractive.
  (1)李静 《 叶芝诗歌:灵魂之舞》, 上海: 东方出版社, 2010。
  (2)江玉娇 《 诗化哲学:艾略特研究,》 上海:复旦大学出版社,2010.
书籍是全世界的营养品。生活里没有书籍,就好像没有阳光;智慧里没有书籍,就好像鸟儿没有翅膀——莎士比亚  新华区继红小学虽然建校时间已经30多年,形成了厚重的文化底蕴,但地理位置的原因,东临平顶山最大的集贸市场——体育路市场,近年来,随着市场经济的不断深入,市场的外来小商小贩不断增多,按照国家政策,务工子就近入学。因此这些孩子就成为我校的生源之一,且占有40%的比重。经过家访,这些家长的文化素质不高
园本教研是以幼儿园为本位的日常教学研究。园本教研的实质是以园为基、以人为本、以教为主、以研为实,着重解决教学问题、提升教学质量、提高教学水平,促进幼儿园、教师和幼儿学生统一发展。要切实有效地搞好园本教研,应从建立科学合理的园本教研管理机构着手,深入地从引领、互助和反思三方面来提高幼儿园的园本教研水平。  首先,建立健全有效的管理机制。确定园长是教研工作的第一责任人,还是参与者、指导者和支持者。要成
摘要:兴趣出勤奋,兴趣出天才。从事初中历史教学的老师们,在新课程理念下采用哪些方法激发学生的学史兴趣 ,取得理想的教学效果,是一个值得 关注的 问题。文章作者试图通过介绍几种激趣 的做法,以求抛砖引玉之效。  关键词: 历史教学;激趣;高效学习  一、 导语激趣  教师以课前精心准备的导语 ,或析题释义 、或创设情景 、或以1日引新 、或设疑置问等 ,都是诱导学生思维 ,激发学生兴趣 ,使其迅速进
正确地解读历史,是历史教学的应有之意。也是人生成长的需要。历史材料需要解读,历史事件需要解读,历史人物的活动也需要解读。历史教师不仅自己要具备解读历史的能力,而且要培养学生解读历史的能力。  先分析一下人们热心谈论历史的原因是什么?人们需要从历史中获得智慧。人们需要从历史中获得情感的体验,以慰籍自己的心灵。百家讲坛对历史的叙述分析,就是专家对历史的解读。培养学生解读历史的能力,才能达到历史教学的目
[摘要]小学语文课程改革与其他学科一样,必须依据创造心理学、教育心理学、教育学与语言学,采用多种方法,培养学生创造能力,增强学生创新意识。  关键词: 创造 培养 方法 增强  在以科学思维为核心的课程改革中,小学语文教学和其他学科一样,要根据创造心理学,教育心理学,教育学与语言学采用多种方法,培养学生创造能力,增强学生创新意识。  一、模仿创造法  模仿是“以他为主”,创造是“以我为主”。创造离