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  EMBA: "Gas Pump" for Executives
  EMBA fueling hot competition among schools
  EMBA is short for Executive Master of Business Management program. EMBA courses aim to train medium- to high-level managerial personnel for enterprises.
  Unlike MBA, which trains future managerial personnel, EMBA provides training for people who already work as medium- to high-level managers of enterprises.
  According to Zheng Zukang, a vice president of Fudan University and president of Fudan School of Management, EMBA‘s growing popularity owes to three major factors. First, the State Council Academic Degrees Committee gave the green light at the beginning of this year to degree-awarding EMBA education, giving it an official recognition that it had not had until then. Second, with conditions set for providing EMBA education, a host of prestigious institutions of high learning in the country are ready to launch their EMBA programs. And third, with economic globalization and the internationalization of competition, EMBA education is now required by not only managerial personnel of foreign-funded enterprises in China but also medium- to high-level managers of state-owned and private enterprises in the country.
  According to an estimate, more than 5,000 high-level managerial personnel from at least 400 enterprises throughout China urgently need to receive EMBA education. At the current rate of charges, EMBA education has a business of about 970 million yuan in the next five years.
  The China-Europe International Business Institute, which is the first to start an EMBA program in China, will charge 238,000 yuan for an EMBA trainee in 2003, up from 196,000 yuan this year. When it first started its EMBA program, tuition per trainee was 60,000 yuan only.
  EMBA education, which was first launched by the business school of Chicago University, aims to help business executives, through on-the-job training, supplement and renew business-related knowledge and improve their management competence. A survey of the 2002 student enrollment at the China-Europe International Business Institute shows the following trainee makeup: general managers and CEOs account for 53 percent of total enrollment, directors of marketing 11 percent, directors of production 8 percent, chief financial officers 7 percent, directors for technology 5 percent, and directors of personnel 2 percent.
  Liang Neng, director of the EMBA program at the China-Europe International Business Institute, says that in 2003 his institute will enroll a banking class under the EMBA program. In Liang‘s view, China‘s banking system is backward and heavily burdened. On the world market, China‘s banking sector faces the impact of international short-term capital, whereas on the domestic market, it has to meet competition from localized services of transnational financial institutions, he says. "Failure of executives of the domestic banking sector to have themselves ‘recharged‘ with the newest knowledge would directly affect the sector‘s competitiveness now that China is a member of the WTO," he says.
  The growing popularity of EMBA is fueling competition among institutions of higher learning in China for a piece of the lucrative pie. Aside from the China-Europe International Business Institute, four schools have launched EMBA programs in cooperation with foreign partners. They are: The Guanghua Management School of Beijing University, the business school of the People‘s University, the management school of Fudan University and the Changjiang Business Institute.
  The competent authorities have set up a threshold for launching an EMBA program: its sponsor must have provided MBA education for at least ten years. This makes 26 schools in the country eligible for launching an EMBA program. And this means EMBA education is about to enter a Warring States period.
  Competition has already begun for students. Some universities including Fudan, aside from cooperating with a foreign partner in the EMBA field, are designing localized EMBA courses to attract students. Fudan‘s management school is expected to begin enrolling students this year if its application receives approval from the Ministry of Education. The China-Europe International Business Institute will recruit four additional professors for its EMBA program this year. It now has 21 "core" professors for its EMBA and MBA programs. The institute is using its world ranking for self-promotion. According to London-based Financial Times, the China-Europe International Business Institute ranks as the 29th best among the world‘s EMBA education providers and second best in Asia, after Hong Kong University.
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