The West Assembles Its Media Arsenal

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During the lead-up to the CPC's 100th anniversary on July 1, Western media platforms assembled an army of antisocialist thought leaders in what looked to be a concerted propaganda effort.rnEditors at prestigious news publications handed thousands of inches of prime media real estate to commentators with links to government agencies and defense-affiliated think tanks.rnStrikingly, almost all authors appeared to be reading from the same hymn sheet.
In Qingtian, Zhejiang Province, fish swim in the paddy fields and at night, one can hear the sound of fish gulping up falling rice flowers. This unique agricult
Prior to arriving in China in 2017, I had read various books relating to China, famous Chinese novels as well as non-fiction and the seeds of my fascination wer
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The world has never been homogenous. Over the ages, the plurality of man has been blamed as the root of various conflicts. But it must also be acknowledged that
摘 要:重视辅导员与专业教师协同育人机制建设,是新时代高校人才培养工作的目标。文章分析辅导员与专业教师协同育人机制的内在逻辑,探讨辅导员与专业教师协同育人机制的现状和意义,指出要树立协同育人的理念,不断完善协同育人制度,搭建协同育人工作平台,加强协同育人实践探索。   关键词:辅导员;专业教师;协同育人机制;立德树人   中图分类号:C961;G641 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1008
摘 要:情商是与情绪相关的概念,用来衡量个体情绪调节能力与社会适应能力。从情商教育的角度进行切入,结合USEM就业竞争力模型,从学习力提高、专业与通用技能培养、自我效能感增强及心理支持体系建构等四个层面,对如何提高大学生就业竞争力进行具体、有效的策略探讨,为高校开展相关工作提供有益思路。   关键词:情商教育;大学生;就业竞争力;提升;策略   中图分类号:G642 文献标志码:A 文章
Samuel Daniel Shafiishuna Nujoma, former President of Namibia, discussed how he views the Communist Party of China (CPC) as well as China-Namibia ties in an interview with Beijing Review. This is an e
There are two airports in Beijing. Every time Guo Shuangchao goes on a business trip, he chooses to fly via the Beijing Daxing International Airport, nicknamed
摘 要:为更好地培养专业人才,高职院校应不断探索基于校企合作的人才培养模式。文章以福建电力职业技术学院电厂热能动力装置专业为例,对其重构专业人才培养模式课程体系、建设校内外实习实训基地、践行“教学做”理实一体化教学方式、建设核心课程“混合式”教学资源库、实现学历教学与职业资格培训有效衔接的人才培养模式进行探索。   关键词:高职院校;热动专业;企业;人才培养模式;课程体系;一体化教学   中图