泉城糖酒会 飞扬的时刻

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2010年秋季糖酒会,音乐飘扬、人潮涌动、热闹喧嚣的氛围渗透每个角落。十月的泉城,因秋季糖酒会的举办更显得神采飞扬、魅力四射。10月8日~11日,由中国糖业酒类集团公司主办、济南市人民政府承办的2010年秋季全国糖酒商品交易会,在济南国际会展中心举行,同时启用济南国际会展中心和舜耕国际会展中心两大会场。本届糖酒会成交总额达到201.43亿元。酒类成交总额为128.05亿元。全国糖酒商品交易会历经多年,大多是生产商、代理商、经销商主动联系来参加的,说明该展会的影响力已经深入人心。众多企业人士的踊跃参与,并不在招商和品牌的推广上有多大的期许,更多的是作为一门选修课来完成。把全国糖酒商品交易会作为必修课还是选修课,企业有自己的思考自己的选择。很多企业的感觉是,上完课后心里更踏实点;没有赶上的或没经历这堂课的人,心里不免有点七上八下。全国各地客商马不停蹄往返于两个会展中心,希望从会上不断获取新的信息、发现新的亮点,并感受不同凡响的时刻,来印证“全国糖酒会”伴随整个社会共同发展的足迹。 In the fall of 2010, the sugar and wine reception, music flutters, crowds of people, and a lively atmosphere permeate every corner. The Spring City in October was even more impressive and glamorous due to the holding of the autumn sugar and wine reception. From October 8th to 11th, the 2010 national sugar and wine trade fair sponsored by China Sugar & Alcohol Group Corporation and hosted by the People’s Government of Jinan City was held at the Jinan International Convention and Exhibition Center. At the same time, the Jinan International Convention and Exhibition Center and Qineng International were also used. Convention and Exhibition Center two conference venues. The total turnover of this rum and wine meeting reached 20.143 billion yuan. The total turnover of alcoholic beverages was 12.805 billion yuan. After many years of the National Sugar and Wine Trade Fair, most of the manufacturers, agents, and distributors took the initiative to contact them to participate, indicating that the influence of the show has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The enthusiastic participation of many business people does not have much expectations for the promotion of investment and branding, and more is done as an elective course. Regarding the national sugar and wine trade fair as a compulsory or elective course, companies have their own choice of thinking about themselves. The feeling of many companies is that they feel more pragmatic in their minds after class; people who haven’t caught up or haven’t experienced this class can’t help but feel a bit overwhelmed. Merchants from all parts of the country travelled to and from the two convention and exhibition centres in hopes of continuously acquiring new information, discovering new highlights, and experiencing extraordinary moments in the meeting to confirm the “National Sugar and Wine Club” with the development of the entire society. .
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