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2月2日至4日,中共中央政治局常委、中央纪委书记吴官正到天津检查贯彻落实科学发展观和党风廉政建设情况。他慰问了节日期间坚守工作岗位的干部职工,看望了群众。在企业,听取了企业负责人关于自主创新、降低能耗的介绍,了解推进厂务公开、维护职工利益的做法;在社区,察看了居委会办的板报和橱窗,了解党员学习贯彻党章和居民建设廉洁文明和谐社区的情况;在市行政许可服务中心,观看了“8890家庭服务网络”,了解为市民提供社会服务、帮助群众排忧解难的情况;在派出所,与民警座谈,勉励他们恪尽职守,公正执法,文明服务;在农村,与基层干部交谈,希望他们认真抓好基层党风,扎实推进社会主义新农村建设。在天津考察工作结束时,吴官正同志发表了讲话,现摘要刊发,供广大读者学习。 From February 2 to February 4, Wu Guanzheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, went to Tianjin to inspect and carry out the scientific outlook on development and the building of a clean government. He condoned the cadres and workers who held the post during the festival and visited the masses. In the enterprise, he listened to the introduction of the person in charge of enterprises on independent innovation and energy consumption, and learned the practice of promoting the openness of factory affairs and safeguarding the interests of the staff and workers. In the community, he read the newspaper and window of the neighborhood committee to understand the party members’ study and implementation of the party constitution and the construction of residents Clean civilized and harmonious community situation; in the city administrative licensing service center, watched the “8890 family service network” to understand the provision of social services for the public to help people solve problems; police station, and civilian police to discuss and encourage them to fulfill their duties, fair and law enforcement, Civilized service; In rural areas, we should talk with grass-roots cadres and hope that they will earnestly grasp grass-roots party conduct and promote the building of a new socialist countryside. At the end of the inspection tour in Tianjin, Comrade Wu Guanzheng made a speech and is now abstracts published for readers’ study.