
来源 :铁道警官高等专科学校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoqy
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警察的建制直接反映出一个国家的治国方略和社会调控方式。铁路公安机关的体制是计划经济时代的产物 ,现在不仅不适应市场经济的发展 ,同时它的体制设计、权力分配、管理模式等 ,也已不能顺应法治国家的要求。铁路公安机关作为依国家法律设置并依法行使行政权力和刑事司法权力的部门 ,从性质上不同于铁路运输企业这个授权性行政主体的职权性行政主体 ,是国家行政机关。所以 ,从体制上 ,不应将其置于企业的领导之下 ,使权力的运作受权利的驱使 ,也使权利的行使因为有了权力的介入而变成特权。鉴于此 ,铁路公安机关应尽早纳入国家公务员序列 ,以理顺国家权力的运行机制。 The establishment of the police directly reflects the state administration strategy and social control mode of a country. The system of railway public security organs is a product of the era of planned economy. Nowadays, the system of railway public security organs is not suited to the development of a market economy. At the same time, its institutional design, power distribution and management model can no longer meet the requirements of a country ruled by law. As a department that exercises the power of administration and criminal justice in accordance with the law of the country, the railway public security organ is an administrative body of authority different from the authoritative administrative body of railway transportation enterprise in nature. It is also a state administrative organ. Therefore, from the system, it should not be placed under the leadership of the enterprise, so that the operation of power is driven by the right, and the exercise of the right becomes privileged because of the intervention of power. In view of this, the railway public security organs should be incorporated into the sequence of state civil servants as soon as possible in order to rationalize the operating mechanism of state power.
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