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近几年来,随着改革的深化,政府机关以及各行各业通过多种招聘形式把竞争机制引入了干部人事制度,使一批优秀人才脱颖而出。这一用人制度变化的新趋势,将促使干部人事管理制度发生一场深刻的变革,使各类人才的作用得以充分发挥,从而,推动我国现代化建设事业蓬勃发展。如何把竞争机制引入干部人事管理制度,是值得我们认真研究和探讨的重要问题。一、把竞争机制引入干部人事管理制度刻不容缓过去的干部人事管理制度的弊端之一,就是在一个封闭的系统中自上而下地(尽管有时也搞一些民主评议)考察任用干部,虽然也规定了一些推荐条件,但这些条件是活的,伸缩性大,可塑性大。往往缺乏制度的保证,有时难免带有个人恩怨和感情色彩。在这种条件下使用的干部,往往造成下级只对上级负责,而不是对党和人民的利益负责的现象。由于 In recent years, with the deepening of the reform, government agencies and various trades and professions have introduced a competition mechanism into the cadre and personnel system through various forms of recruitment, so that a number of outstanding talents have come to the fore. This new trend of changes in the employment system will lead to a profound change in the cadre and personnel management system so as to give full play to the role of various types of personnel and thus promote the vigorous development of China’s modernization drive. How to introduce a competition mechanism into the personnel management system of cadres is an important issue worth our careful study and discussion. I. Introduction of Competition Mechanism into Cadre Management System One of the disadvantages of the cadre management system of the past is to inspect the appointment of cadres from top to bottom (though sometimes with some democratic appraisal) in a closed system. Although it also stipulates Some recommended conditions, but these conditions are alive, scalability, plasticity. Often the lack of a system of guarantee, and sometimes inevitable with personal grudges and feelings. The cadres employed under such conditions often cause subordinates to be accountable only to their superiors, rather than being responsible for the interests of the party and the people. due to
In this thesis the study of non-equilibrium plasmas generated under low and atmospheric pressure conditions along with their applications to biomaterials and na
董和  1.蜀风豪奢——董和于公元200年前后担任江原县县长。蜀郡土地肥沃,从秦国来的豪侠较多,奢侈之风愈演愈烈,衣着赛过公侯,饮食比于金玉。  2.整饬靡风——董和上任伊始,看到这种风气的严重性。他从道德、法纪和表率三个方面着手改变这种状况。这样一来,百姓自然拥护,贫困速度和土地兼并的情况有所减缓,理法得以执行,社会状况得以改善。  3.百姓请留——奢侈之风得到较好的改善,却遭到地主豪强极力反对