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夏津县白马湖镇积极采纳代表建议,落实管护责任,解决植树难题,三年来,该镇植树40万株,成活率达98%以上,全镇呈现出“田里有绿色银行,公路上是绿色长廊,沙坡荒堤上披绿装”的良好景象。“年年栽树不见树”是群众常挂在嘴边的一句牢骚话,也是令各级党委政府头痛的事,如何解决这一难题,白马湖镇人大组织代表对此进行调查,代表们积极建议镇政府从落实管护责任人手,强化服务,加强指导。镇政府积极采纳,实行一条龙服务,全程责任落实,从挖坑、植树、浇水、成活到成材砍伐全部承包到户,将责任落实到户,将利益分配到户,激发了承包户种植管护热情。田里树起绿色银行。2000年,泉林纸业落户夏津,企业规模的不断扩大,对速生林木的需求量日益增加。该镇把植树造林作为调整农业产业结构,促民增收的一条重 In Baimahu Town, Xiajin County, it actively adopted the suggestions and implemented the responsibility of management and protection and solved the problem of planting trees. In the past three years, the town has planted 400,000 trees with a survival rate of more than 98%. The town has a green bank in the fields and a highway Is a green promenade, Shapo paleo green walls installed “good scene. ”Tree planting every year without tree " is a mourn often the masses, but also to make the party committees and governments at all levels a headache, how to solve this problem, the White Horse Lake Town People’s Congress to investigate this on behalf of They are actively recommended that the town government implement the responsibility of management and maintenance personnel, strengthen service and strengthen guidance. The town government actively adopt and implement one-stop service, the full responsibility to implement, from digging, planting trees, watering, living to timber cut all contracted households, the responsibility to the household, the benefits assigned to households, stimulated the contractor planting tube Protect enthusiasm. Green trees in the fields. In 2000, Quanlin Paper settled in Xiajin, the continuous expansion of business scale, the growing demand for fast-growing trees. The town of afforestation as a restructuring of agricultural industry, promote people’s income a heavier
通过连续 8年定位试验 ,研究了不同施肥方式下土壤有机质氧化稳定性的动态变化及其与作物产量和肥力水平的关系。结果表明 ,长期不施肥或施用常量N、P、K化肥 ,使土壤易氧化
一一刘训盟﹃壤巍贪教偶一巍篡啼一鸣春嘟中一l八l黔狠耀卜艳嗬一彝一风鸣赢世︸能育r博人甲冲年黄哪害滞儿童书法@黄帅 One hundred Liu Xun Meng Lian Wei Wei Wei Wei Wei a
2014年,编辑部邀请了如下编委和专家(以姓氏汉语拼音为序)为本刊审稿,在此特致衷心感谢。 In 2014, the editorial department invited the following editorial board memb
对山西省晋中、忻州、吕梁、运城、晋城、长治等地市不同肥力水平 0~ 2 0cm的 1 0 0个土样 ,分别采用常规分析与速测法 (目测 )对各土样中速效磷 ,速效钾进行测定 ,以探索速测
Objective:To explore some Fumaria species which were recorded to be traditionally used against malaria and other protozoal diseases.Methods:Consequently,in the