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  在广西外资扶贫项目管理中心提供的相片里,一名小伙的头发和背上沾满了泥土路扬起的黄色尘土。过去,版索村村民对此习以为常。“落雨一身泥,天晴一身灰。” 版索村副村长坎占曾这样总结泥土路给村民们带来的困扰。而如今,共计4.16公里的沥青路取代了原有土路,它们似不断延展的枝叶,为曾经黄土飞扬的两座村庄带去了清新的绿意与发展的生机。
  据韦克回忆,在交通问题上,除了道路,陈旧的桥梁也一度令人头疼。此前,版索村的木质旧桥横跨在河流之上,密密麻麻的木桩立于河床,支撑着桥面。这是一些孩子上学的必经之路,如今,它被一座中国援建的钢桁桥替代。现代化的桥墩、桁架和路面处处体现着坚固牢靠。这座桥建成以后,不仅便利了村民之间的往来,为生产区提供物资的车辆也能直接穿桥而过,告别了蹚水运输的时代。“之前,我们连做梦都不敢想有这样一天。” 坎占的感叹让韦克印象深刻。
  韦克认为,广西还有“升级”版的扶贫经验可以帮助老挝贫困农村发展添后劲。在农村发展方面,他提议进一步引入中老企业、高校、社会团体等参与项目活动,形成大扶贫格局;进一步壮大发展村集体经济,为乡村基础设施和公共服务设施升级提供支撑,促进乡村发展提质增效。在农业发展方面,他提出可提升农民合作组织专业化程度,提高统一标准,优化品种、提升品质、打造品牌,提高农产品附加值;还可适当配套发展农产品加工业,延长产业链,增加就业机会。   授人以魚只救一时之急,授人以渔则可解一生之需。随着中老命运共同体建设的不断推进,我们相信,中老两国间的减贫合作故事一定还会延续。
  On April 6, 2021, the State Council of China released the white paper China’s Practice in Human Poverty Reduction, which not only shows the country’s great achievements made in poverty reduction to the world, but also elaborates on its contribution to global poverty reduction such as the “East Asia Poverty Reduction Demonstration Cooperation Technical Assistance Projects” program implemented in rural communities in Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar. Among the three countries, Guangxi Foreign Capital Poverty Reduction Project Management Center is the unit responsible for the poverty reduction in Laos. It has carried out poverty reduction for three years in Ban Xor Village in Sangthong of Lao capital Vientiane and Xienglom Village in Luang Prabang.
  What changes has the poverty reduction project brought to villagers’ lives? How does China lift local people out of poverty? Wei Ke, Deputy Director of Guangxi Foreign Capital Poverty Reduction Project Management Center, answered these questions in an interview with the reporter from China-ASEAN Panorama.
  Chinese team brings new look to  demonstration village
  From 2017 to 2020, great changes have taken place in the two poverty reduction demonstration villages of Ban Xor and Xienglom — flat asphalt roads, solid steel truss bridges, and brand-new infrastructures like school buildings and activity centers, all of which epitomize the great achievements made in poverty reduction cooperation between China and Laos.
  In the photo provided by Guangxi Foreign Capital Poverty Reduction Project Management Center, a young man’s hair and back are covered with yellow dust raised from dirt roads. In the past, villagers in Ban Xor got used to it. “In rainy days we are troubled by mud, while in sunny days, by dust.” Kham Zham, Deputy Head of the village once summed up the troubles brought by the dirt road to the villagers. Now, a total of 4.16 kilometers of asphalt roads have replaced the original ones, bringing vitality to the two villages.
  According to Wei Ke, in addition to the roads, old bridges were once a headache too. In the past, the old wooden bridge in Ban Xor was supported by dense wooden piles standing on the river bed, serving as the only way for children to go to school. Now, it has been replaced by a steel truss bridge with modern piers, trusses, and roads, which are solid and reliable. After completing, the bridge not only facilitates the communication between villagers, but also makes sure vehicles can directly pass through, ending the era of wading through the water. “We didn’t even dream of such a day.” Kham Zham’s words impressed Wei Ke.   Electricity is the rigid demand of people. Although villagers’ daily electricity consumption has been met before, there is no illumination at night in the village. Since the implementation of the China-Laos Poverty Reduction Project, solar lamps have been seen on the streets in the village, which not only optimized the illumination conditions, but also enriched the villagers’ night lives. According to Wei Ke, now, many convenience stores and snack bars are open at night. Villagers gather to chat and children play under the street lamps. The whole village is more bustling than before.
  In a word, people engaged in China-Laos Poverty Reduction Project have made great efforts in improving infrastructure. Besides the improvemnt in infrastructure, they have also built a variety of public facilities, effectively improving the living environment of the villagers.
  Campana Seyanon, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Forestry of Laos, showed a positive attitude towards the project: China-aided Laos Poverty Reduction Demonstration Cooperation Project is jointly implemented by the two governments. It has brought Laos a new model in poverty reduction. We will promote it to the whole country to benefit more people.
  Integrating people-oriented philosophy into poverty reduction
  People function as the core element of society. In poverty reduction cooperation, China has always upheld the people-oriented philosophy, reflected not only in the selection of projects, but also in the process of implementation.
  According to Wei Ke, poverty reduction is based on the principle of supplying the shortage. Villagers have the final say in this respect. In the process of investigating the feasibility of the project, the poverty reduction team organized villagers to vote for their most urgent needs, which appeared to be household water shortage. “There are 814 people in 169 households in Xienglom Village. For generations, people rely on collecting rainwater or carrying water from the Nam Khan river to meet their needs in daily life. However, the riverbed is deep and it is not easy to collect water in the dry season. Besides, the water quality failed the drinking water test by local departments. Villagers have been troubled by this problem for a long time,” said Wei Ke.
  Besides household water shortage, the voting rate of constructing roads, activity centers, clinics, solar street lamps is also very high. Since the funds for assistance are limited, how can we meet their needs as much as possible? The poverty reduction team tried to find ways to reduce the cost of the water diversion project.   According to Wei Ke, with the help of the local government, the poverty reduction team organized local people to work voluntarily. From five kilometers away, villagers found mountain spring water meeting the safety standards. The water pipes were connected to every household. “They are enthusiastic about participating in the construction. Everyone knows that they are working for themselves. Through the concerted efforts, the cost of the water diversion project has been reduced from RMB 2 million yuan to RMB 670,000 yuan,” said Wei Ke.
  The water pipes bring not only drinking water to the villagers but also the Water Splashing Festival, a major traditional festival in Laos, to their homes. “In the past, there was no clean water source in the village, so the villagers had to go to Luang Prabang for the Water Splashing Festival. Now, they can splash water and pray at home,” said Wei Ke.
  As for the agricultural development in the two demonstration villages, Wei Ke said:“ It is still in a very primary stage.” He pointed out that Laos has a single agricultural structure that lacks technical and financial support. There is no irrigation equipment or the equipment is primitive. The harvest largely depends on “providence”.
  According to Wei Ke, to solve this problem, after improving the infrastructure, the assistance would turn to promote people’s livelihood. Based on the existing industrial structure, the investment would be increased to aid low- and middle-income farmers. At present, Xienglom Village has developed weaving, cattle and chicken raising, greenhouse and open-air vegetable planting, and other projects as planned. Take the vegetable planting as an example, each household can increase income by more than RMB 10,000 yuan per year.
  More contribution to ASEAN countries in poverty reduction
  In the past three years, China-Laos Poverty Reduction Project drew lessons from China’s “whole-village pushing forward in poverty alleviation” which features government-led and mass participation, providing assistance to the demonstration villages in infrastructure construction, public services, people’s livelihood, and agricultural management ability, and technical support. Under the same standard, the  poverty headcount ratio in the demonstration villages has reduced significantly from 52% to 25%.
  In November 2020, at the 23rd ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Summit, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang proposed that China is willing to implement phase II of the Cooperation Initiative on Poverty Alleviation in East Asia, so as to achieve coordinated regional development. The poverty reduction team had integrated a lot of experience gained in Guangxi into the cooperation with Laos before. However, because of the poor conditions in targeted villages and limited time, plus the outbreak of the pandemic, some designs and concepts failed to work at full capacity in the two demonstration villages. In this regard, Wei Ke said:“ We hope to implement phase II of the project and make more contributions to the poverty reduction in ASEAN countries based on the experience of China-Laos Poverty Reduction Project.”   Wei Ke believes that Guangxi has better poverty alleviation experience to help Laos in revitalizing poor rural areas. In rural development, he proposed to let enterprises, universities, and social organizations in Laos participate in the project, so as to achieve broad participation in poverty alleviation. In agricultural development, he proposed to improve the specialization of cooperative organizations, optimize crop varieties and quality, and establish brand awareness, to add value to agricultural products. Besides, he suggested to develop processing industries to extend industrial chains,  increasing employment opportunities. In developing the rural collective economy, he proposed to promote the quality and efficiency of rural development based on the upgraded rural infrastructure and public facilities.
  Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. With the continuous advancement of the China-Laos community with a shared future, we believe that more poverty reduction cooperation between China and Laos is yet to come.
不久前,中国审议通过了“十四五”发展规划,中国经济问题研究专家、泰国法政大学经济学院阿顺诗·帕尼察叁副教授在接受本刊記者专访时表示,中国“十四五”规划为其国民经济发展远景制定了目标和方向。她认为此次“十四五”规划也可视为“经济稳定规划”,中国追求的更多是稳定发展,尤其是从技术安全、食品安全、公共卫生安全三方面推动经济稳定发展,而不是单纯追求经济高增速。  以科技自立自强支撑新发展格局  阿顺诗副教
2021年1月1日,聚焦了众多目光的英国脱欧事件落下帷幕。自此,英国正式退出欧盟单一市场和关税同盟,实施独立的贸易政策。在此前夕,英国与众多国家签订了自由贸易协定,其中越南是继新加坡之后的第二个东盟国家。  《越南与英国自由贸易协定》(UKVFTA,以下简称《越英自贸协定》)签署的动因是什么?它将产生什么影响?中国企业将面临哪些机遇与挑战?近期,广西社会科学院研究员古小松在接受本刊记者采访时给出了
对于居住在东南亚的人而言,一杯醇香四溢的咖啡已不仅仅是早餐必需品,从实惠的速溶咖啡到精致的现磨咖啡,都成为了他们心中特殊的文化符号。这些年来,通过中国—东盟博览会(以下简称东博会),来自东盟各国的咖啡品牌逐渐为中国消费者熟知。人们不仅从马来西亚的白咖啡、越南的猫屎咖啡、印尼的金塔马尼咖啡中品出了小小咖啡豆的浓郁芬芳,也嗅到了中国—东盟围绕咖啡产业拓展的合作新商机。  一杯“曼特宁” 飘香东博会  
2021年3月29日,马来西亚和新加坡最终仍未能就新马高铁(也称新隆高铁)计划达成一致,该项目在历经马来西亚三任总理更迭、两度推迟后,以马来西亚向新加坡赔付约1.028亿新加坡元(约合5.013亿元人民币)正式告终。  那么,两国专家、民众对这样的结果是何态度,该计划为何取消,中国会受到什么影响呢?  新马达成“全面和最终解决方案”  2021年1月1日,新加坡和马来西亚政府发布联合声明,宣布了2
据《越南人民报》消息,汇丰银行亚洲经济研究部近期发布《亚洲经济季度季刊研究:经济复苏报告》称,2020年越南经济增长率处于亚洲最高水平,预测2021年继续成为该地区经济增速最快的国家之一,预计增长6.3%。  在新冠肺炎疫情导致全球国际贸易、旅游、投资大幅萎缩的背景下,越南是世界上实现“逆势”正增长的少数国家之一,“寒冬”之后,其经济复苏速度仍然在标普全球评级报告中位居亚太区第二。保持高水平的经济
歌曲《一封番批》深情唱道:“寄一封番批轻又轻,寄返二个艰苦钱银报答双亲,人在异乡终是客,夜夜做梦,梦中团圆。寄一封番批轻又轻,隔海日盼夜盼思念深,背井离乡汗与血,盼个平安,价值千金……”  “番批”就是“侨批”,来自闽南方言,闽南语称信为“批”,寄信为寄“批”。后来,“批”成为南洋华侨寄托银信的代用词,专指海外华侨通过海内外民间机构汇寄至国内的信汇合一的特殊邮传载体,兼具家书、汇款功能,主要分布在
近年来,泰国和越南的制造商不断扩大生产规模,特斯拉、日产等知名国外投资企业对投资东南亚兴趣渐长,东南亚电动汽车和电池行业呈现出一派良好的发展态势。  随着东南亚经济逐渐从疫情中复苏,该地区的电动汽车和电池行业也蓄势待发。来自中美两国的制造商纷纷进军东南亚市场,在印尼、泰国等多地进行投资。泰国、越南两国的企业也推出了一系列激励措施,推动当地汽车制造业的发展。  疫情下外商投资热度不减  目前在印尼,
在中国的“95后”年轻一代当中,可能有不看动漫、不玩游戏的,但是几乎没有不知道弹幕视频网站哔哩哔哩(以下简称B站)的。在经历了近几年的扩张之后,B站也开始走出国门。在东盟,它是否也能像在中国一般,俘获大批年轻一代的兴趣与钱包呢?  首进东南亚,中国行业新势力向外扩张  2020年末,中国当前最火的视频网站——B站在谷歌应用商店上线了泰国版独立应用程序,并在脸书和推特开通了泰语官方账号,这也是该视频
干旱一直在泰国东北部高原地区盛行,那里几乎一半的人口都是农民,他们依赖自然降水维持农作物种植。他们通常在雨季到来之际聚集在一起,向天空发射自制火箭向天神祈雨。据民间传说,火箭升空越高越响,寓意着天神对供品越满意,就会降下丰足的雨水为人们带来丰收。  1955年11月14日,泰国已故国王普密蓬·阿杜德陛下巡视经过干涸的东北部地区。当时这位年仅28岁的君主注意到该地区的缺水导致农作物减产,人民长期遭受
马来西亚是个多族群的国家,语言种类繁杂,大致可分为本土语言和外来语言,前者有马来语和伊班语(Iban)和卡达山语(Kadazan)等原住民语言;后者有英语、华语和泰米尔语。在众多的语言中,马来语是马来人的民族语,使用人口约占全国总人口(截至2018年末为3240万)的70%。  说到马来语,一定要提印尼语,这是因为二者同根同源,可以互通,在国际上常被学者合称为“马来—印尼语”。从语言谱系分类来看,