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在外语教学领域中,我们存在一个共识,即词汇在语言学习中起核心作用。然而在英语教学中,词汇是教师和学生公认的最难记住的部分,费时低效的词汇问题是阻碍高职英语教学顺利进展的瓶颈。在高职英语教学实践中,笔者深深地感到传统的词汇教学缺乏理论性,系统性和实效性,需要大力改进,因此笔者从体验哲学出发,结合词汇教学实践,通过实证研究证明隐喻能力与语言能力正相关,从而提出在英语教学中要特别强化词汇知识(特别是心理词汇)学习,培养隐喻意识,提高隐喻能力。 In the field of foreign language teaching, we have a consensus that vocabulary plays a central role in language learning. However, in English teaching, vocabulary is recognized as the most difficult part for teachers and students. The problem of time-consuming and inefficient vocabulary is a bottleneck that hinders the progress of English teaching in higher vocational education. In the practice of English teaching in higher vocational colleges, I deeply feel that the traditional teaching of vocabulary is lack of theoretical, systematic and practical, which needs to be greatly improved. Therefore, from the perspective of experiential philosophy, combining with vocabulary teaching practice, the author proves that metaphorical competence and Therefore, it is suggested that we should strengthen the learning of vocabulary knowledge (especially mental vocabulary) in English teaching, cultivate metaphor awareness and improve metaphorical ability.
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