全新捷豹XJ,自今年年初亮相欧洲并于3月登陆中国以来,以其优雅的外表及高贵的血统赢得无数消费者的青睐,更凭借其无与伦比的创新技术为全球用户带来终极魅惑! 迄今为止,全新捷豹XJ已将多项国际汽车大奖收入囊中,其中包括:2004年度最佳车型、英国2004年度最佳豪华汽车、德国最佳豪华进口汽车,尤其值得一提的是,在引导世界汽车先进技术的日本,全新捷豹XJ更荣获年度最先进技术汽车大奖。
The new Jaguar XJ, which debuted in Europe earlier this year and landed in China in March, has won countless consumers’ favor for its elegant appearance and noble heritage, and has also brought ultimate fascination to users around the world with its unrivaled innovative technology. , The new Jaguar XJ has a number of international car awards included in the bag, including: the best car in 2004, the United Kingdom in 2004 the best luxury cars, Germany’s best luxury imported cars, especially worth mentioning is that in guiding the world car Japan’s advanced technology, the new Jaguar XJ was awarded the most advanced technology of the year car award.