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目的了解疑似尘肺病检出情况,明确高危人群和高危行业,为绵竹市尘肺病防治决策提供科学依据。方法从职业健康检查管理系统中导出2012—2015年疑似尘肺病病例资料,分析新增疑似病例在健康检查年度、健康检查类型、企业类别、户籍、年龄等方面的分布;通过国家职业病网报系统了解绵竹市每年的尘肺确诊情况。结果绵竹市2012—2015各年度检出疑似尘肺病病例分别为68、45、67和67例,共计247例;检出的疑似尘肺病中,上岗前占81.38%,在岗期间占18.22%,离岗占0.4%;集中分布在磷矿石开采企业,其次为煤炭开采、机械铸造、路桥与化工;绵竹市户口占55.06%,外来务工人员44.94%;多集中在40~<55岁年龄段。结论在一定时间段内,该市还将处于尘肺病的高发状态,应加强重点行业的粉尘综合治理,坚持职业健康检查,严把入职前检查关、认真开展在岗期间及离职健康检查,实现尘肺病防治的“三早”原则。 Objective To understand the detection of suspected pneumoconiosis, identify the high-risk groups and high-risk industries and provide a scientific basis for the decision-making of pneumoconiosis prevention and control in Mianzhu. Methods The data of suspected pneumoconiosis cases from 2012 to 2015 were derived from occupational health examination management system. The distribution of suspected cases in health examination year, health examination type, business category, household registration, age and other aspects were analyzed. Understand the annual pneumoconiosis diagnosis in Mianzhu City. Results There were 68, 45, 67 and 67 cases of suspected pneumoconiosis in Mianzhu from 2012 to 2015 respectively, a total of 247 cases. Among the suspected pneumoconiosis cases, 81.38% were pre-appointment and 18.22% Accounting for 0.4%; mainly distributed in phosphate rock mining enterprises, followed by coal mining, mechanical casting, road and bridge and chemical industry; Mianzhu account for 55.06%, migrant workers 44.94%; more concentrated in the 40 ~ 55 years of age. Conclusion In a certain period of time, the city will also be in a state of high incidence of pneumoconiosis. Comprehensive management of dust in key industries should be stepped up. Occupational health examination should be adhered to. Inspection before entering employment should be strictly carried out. Disease prevention “three early ” principle.
目的 通过对安Ⅱ1错以不同方法 矫治;观察患者的X线头影测量值的变化,寻求最佳的矫治方法 .方法 第一组选择10例患者在替牙期用Bionator矫形矫治,之后在恒牙初期以快速扩弓联
1 故障现象及原因rn 我公司一条水泥粉磨生产线是采用RP140×110辊压机、Φ4.2×13m闭路球磨机组成的联合粉磨系统,2005年8月投产,在2009年2月份,辊压机动辊外侧出现异常响声