
来源 :时代法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sjcameadow
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“国家的凝聚力和国民对她的忠诚,取决于国家保证个人福祉的能力,热爱国家是由于她得到好处的结果”(英国:埃里.凯杜里语)。而国家保证个人福祉最重要的手段是实现法律的价值,保护人们的权利和自由,满足人们对社会正义的期望。执行是诉讼程序的最后阶段,是保障审判确认的权利义务得以最终实现的主要途径,如果法院的生效判决长期得不到有效执行,那么,人们可能就会对法律效力失去信心,更谈不上在整个社会形成对法律的信仰。因此,研究我国执行程序方面的问题具有重大的现实意义。正基于此,本刊编辑部组织了西南政法大学民事诉讼法教研室的田平安教授、廖中洪教授、季卫东教授、徐昕教授等部分专家、学者,对我国现行民事执行程序存在的问题及解决路径,从法学理论或司法实践的角度进行了多方位的探讨,期望从国内外关于解决这一问题的经验教训中寻找启示,进而找到解决问题的出路。不过,这一特别策划的目的更在于,为我国民事诉讼法的修改或制定单独的民事强制执行法提供智力方面的支持。 “The cohesion of the state and the loyalty of the nation to her depend on the ability of the state to guarantee the well-being of the individual and the love of the country as a result of her benefits” (English: Yere. The most important means by which the state guarantees individual well-being is to realize the value of law, to protect people’s rights and freedoms, and to satisfy people’s expectations of social justice. Execution is the final stage of the proceedings and is the main way to guarantee the final realization of the rights and obligations confirmed by the trial. If the court’s effective judgment can not be effectively implemented for a long time, then people may lose confidence in the effectiveness of the law, let alone In the whole society to form the law of faith. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the problems concerning the enforcement procedures in our country. Based on this, our editorial department organized some experts and scholars such as Professor Tian Pingan, Professor Liao Zhonghong, Professor Ji Weidong and Professor Xu Xin of the Civil Procedural Law Department of Southwest University of Political Science and Law to discuss the existing problems and solutions to the current civil execution procedure in our country, From the angle of jurisprudence or judicial practice, we have conducted a multi-faceted discussion and looked forward to finding enlightenment from the experiences and lessons learned from home and abroad in resolving this issue so as to find a solution to the problem. However, the purpose of this special plan is to provide intellectual support for the amendment of the Civil Procedure Law of our country or the establishment of a separate civil enforcement law.