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文在开头综述了少数民族文献的一些基本概念,包括其文献的分类、著录和主题标引。接下来的部分是通过对少数民族文献数据库建设现状的调查分析,首先提出了需要解决的几个问题:少数民族文献信息资源的数字化价值判断;建立数据库建设标准等;后面部分又重点论述了构建内蒙古民族文献信息数据库建设的现状及发展思考,也就是通过对内蒙古少数民族文献的基本了解,内蒙古地区少数民族文献数据库的建设现状,通过分析建设少数民族文献数据库的条件,意义,基本内容等,提出内蒙古少数民族文献建设中的问题和解决方案。 The article begins with a summary of some of the basic concepts of minority literature, including the classification, transcription and subject indexing of its literature. The next part is through the investigation and analysis of the current situation of minority literature database construction, first of all, several problems need to be solved: the digital value judgments of minority literature information resources; the establishment of database construction standards; the later part focuses on the construction The status quo and development thinking of the construction of the Inner Mongolia National Document Information Database, that is, through the basic understanding of the minority literature in Inner Mongolia and the current situation of the construction of the minority nationality literature database in Inner Mongolia. By analyzing the conditions, significance and basic content of the construction of the national minority literature database, Put forward the problems and solutions in the literature construction of Inner Mongolia minorities.
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