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搭着时代的脉搏,宣传党的方针政策,反映人民群众的呼声,用自己的笔,写出对社会有强烈启迪作用的新闻作品,这是每个新闻工作者的根本职责。24年前,采写著名通讯《县委书记的榜样——焦裕禄》的三位老记者穆青、冯健、周原,最近又重访兰考,怀着对党、对人民、对社会主义事业的强烈责任感,怀着对人民的好儿子焦裕禄的无限思念,写出了又一篇新闻力作——《人民呼唤焦裕禄》。七月八日,新华社播发了这篇六千多字感人肺腑的长篇通讯后,首都各报和地方报纸纷纷在显著版面予以全文登载,有的报纸还为此配发了评论。中央有的领导同志几次称赞这篇通讯“写得很好”;许多地方党政领导干部反复阅读这篇通讯,对照自己找差距。据了解, With the pulse of the times, propagating the party’s principles and policies, reflecting the voices of the masses and using their own pens to write news pieces that are strongly enlightening for the society, it is the fundamental duty of every journalist. Twenty-four years ago, Mu Qing, Feng Jian and Zhou Yuan, three veteran reporters who wrote the famous example of “County Party Secretary” Jiao Yulun, recently revisited Lankao. With strong support for the party, the people and for the cause of socialism, With a sense of responsibility, with the infinite thoughts of Jiao Yulu, the good son of the people, he wrote another piece of news masterpiece, “The People Call Jiao.” On July 8, Xinhua News Agency circulated the long message of more than 6,000 characters after it was read. All newspapers in the capital and local newspapers published the full text in significant sections. Some newspapers also distributed comments for this purpose. Some leading comrades in the Central Government have praised the newsletter for several times “doing well”; many local party and government leading cadres have repeatedly read this newsletter and searched for the differences on their own. It is understood that,
Recently,parasitoid wasp species Microplitis mediator has evoked increasing research attention due to its possible use in the control of Lepidoptera insects.Bec
本研究利用不同浓度的磷脂酶D 抑制剂正己醛、正己醇处理采后“英格尔”蟠桃果实,并对贮藏期间蟠桃果实的品质指标、生理指标及细胞超微结构分别进行测定与观察,实验结果如下: 
<正> 在抗日战争时期,国民党有两张报纸盛销东南,一是《东南日报》,一为《前线日报》,而后者尤以“报纸杂志化”的特色,略占优势。所谓“《前线日报》三剑客”《前线日报》是第三战区司令长官顾祝同所办的报纸。当时该战区政治部主任为谷正纲,由宣传科(组)科长李俊龙与秘书马树礼共同筹备,马实际负责。1938年10月1日创刊于安徽屯溪,李俊龙任社长,马任总编辑。李经常在政治部办公,实际负责人仍为马树礼。1939年5月,报社迁往江
Rice planthoppers are notorious plant sap-feeding pests which cause serious damage.While several microbes in rice planthoppers have been broadly characterized,t
The endosymbionts play vital roles in growth,development and reproduction in insects.Yeast-like endosymbionts (YLSs) have been well studied in Nilaparvata lugen
The genome-wide characterization of long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) in insects demonstrates their importance in fundamental biological processes.Essentially,an in-
辣椒(Capsicum spp.L,2n=24)属茄科,辣椒属,是世界性的蔬菜和加工调味品,现已为我国第二大蔬菜作物。来源于DNA转录区域的EST (Expressed sequence tag,表达序列标签)可直接