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在中国经济高速发展的大背景下,对于企业所进行的改革也日趋深化,企业在这样的趋势里对于自身进行了相应的变革。不断变化的社会关系和企业发展和生产模式,给企业提供了更多深刻的思考空间。如何通过对于企业竞争力的提升而构建起和谐的企业文化环境,从而促进企业的稳定、健康的可持续发展,是每个企业管理层所需要着重解决的问题所在。企业发展趋势的困扰,根源在于没有对以人为本的思想政治工作,也就是本文所说的企业政工工作进行足够的重视并且狠抓落实。本文以此为切入点,对于新时期的企业在政工队伍的建设过程中,存在的具体特征和不足之处进行积极而深入的分析,并且对于这些问题提出了一些浅显的看法和意见。 Under the background of the rapid economic development in China, the reform carried out by the enterprises is also deepening day by day. In such a trend, the enterprises make corresponding changes to themselves. Changing social relations and business development and production patterns provide businesses with more room for thought. How to establish a harmonious corporate culture environment through enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises so as to promote the stable, healthy and sustainable development of enterprises is a problem that every enterprise management needs to focus on. The root cause of the troubled development trend of the enterprise lies in not paying enough attention to the people-oriented ideological and political work, that is, the work of the enterprise political work mentioned in this article, and paying close attention to its implementation. This article takes this as an entry point, and conducts a positive and in-depth analysis of the specific characteristics and shortcomings existing in the construction of the contingent of political workers in the new period, and puts forward some simple views and opinions on these issues.
是否该降低奢侈品税,近期引发争论。中国如今的奢侈品年消费量已达120亿美元,仅次于日本位居全球第二,成为全球第一也指日可待。但降低奢侈品税是否能改变中国人主要在海外购买奢侈品的消费模式,变海外消费为国内进口奢侈品消费,需要有个清晰的利弊分析,以保证政策变化有利于消费增长,有利于发展战略推进,符合消费者利益。  奢侈税的纠结,是因为奢侈税率变化确实有利有弊。  利好之一是增加进口改善顺差。因为关税高
截至目前,世界销售额排在前20名的大型农药企业大都已在我国建立了有限公司或办事机构。外资农药企业利用核心技术控制中国企业,使得中国企业成为其廉价的加工厂。从表面上看,外资企业留下了先进的经营理念,事实上却将最核心的技术和巨大的利润带走,并让中国企业承担高昂的环保成本。  日前,一个现象正引起国内农药业界人士的高度警觉。中国农药协会统计显示,截至目前,进口农药在我国农作物主产区的市场占有率已达30%