Interaction of Divalent Metal Ions with the Adenosine Triphosphate Measured Using Nuclear Magnetic

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eternaty
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WTFZ] The interaction of adenosine triphosphate with divalent metal ions is important in biochemical functions. The effects of pH and metal ions Mg 2+ , Ca 2+ , Zn 2+ , Mn 2+ , and Co 2+ on the chemical shift of the phosphate group of ATP have been studied using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. The chemical shift of the β-phosphate of ATP is the most sensitive to pH. Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ bind with the α- and β-phosphate groups of ATP. Zn 2+ binds to the adenosine ring hydrogen as well as to phosphate. The paramagnetic ions Mn 2+ and Co 2+ do not cause chemical shifts of the phosphate or proton peak. Mn 2+ and Co 2+ broaden the resonance peak only.[ WTFZ] The interaction of adenosine triphosphate with divalent metal ions is important in biochemical functions. The effects of pH and metal ions Mg 2+, Ca 2+, Zn 2+, Mn 2+, and Co 2+ on the chemical shift of the phosphate group of ATP have been studied using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. The chemical shift of the β-phosphate of ATP is the most sensitive to pH. Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ bind with the α- and β-phosphate groups of ATP. Zn 2+ binds to the adenosine ring hydrogen as well as to phosphate. The paramagnetic ions Mn 2+ and Co 2+ do not cause chemical shifts of the phosphate or proton peak. Mn 2+ and Co 2+ broaden the resonance peak only. [
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