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1、理顺关系明确职责 菱角乡地处山区,距曲靖市区57公里,全乡辖13个行政村,共有41912人,1993年人均经济纯收入530元。192年10月菱角乡政府针对卫生所管理混乱,人员不稳定,防病治病不落实等问题,制定了《村卫生所实行业务全乡统一管理实施办法》。为把管理工作落到实处,乡政府把卫生工作纳入议事日程,有一名领导乡管,乡设卫生所管理办公室,宣传农村卫生工作方针政策,组织发动全乡干部群众参与落实农卫生任务指标,乡财政逐年增加卫生费用投入,从政策上给予支持和倾斜。村公所主要提供办所资金、房屋、办公用品等基本设施,对社会卫生工作负责组织、协调、宣传发动,实施检查。村卫生所的业务发展、人员培训、工作质量、财务管理和各项考核由卫生院负责,所长由乡政府任命,实行所长负责制,负责全所各项工作。村管办负责各村卫生所的业务工作量,技术质量、业务收入、分配等指标项目的测算,编制各类业务月、季、年报表;对各村卫生所财产,资金立帐管理,定期不定期地对卫生所财务审计;掌握工作情况,及时向乡初保办汇报工作。 1. Clear responsibility for clarifying relationships Lingjiao Township is located in the mountainous area, 57 kilometers away from downtown Qujing. The township administers 13 administrative villages with a total of 41,912 people. In 1993, the per capita economic net income was 530 yuan. In October 192, the Lingjiao Township Government formulated the “Measures for the Implementation of the Whole Township Unified Management Practice in the Village Health Office” in response to problems such as chaos management, unstable personnel, and failure to implement disease prevention and treatment. In order to implement the management work, the township government has put the sanitation work on the agenda. There is a township leadership, a township sanitation office management office, to publicize the rural health work guidelines and policies, and organize the township cadres and the masses to participate in the implementation of agricultural sanitation task indicators. Township finances increase investment in health expenditure year by year, giving support and tilting policies. The village government office mainly provides basic facilities such as office funds, housing, and office supplies, and is responsible for organizing, coordinating, propaganda, and launching inspections of social health work. The business development, personnel training, work quality, financial management and various assessments of the village clinics are the responsibility of the hospitals. The director is appointed by the township government, implements the director responsibility system, and is responsible for the work of the institute. The village management office is responsible for the calculation of business workload, technical quality, business income, distribution, and other index items of each village health office, preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual reports for various types of businesses; Auditing health clinics from time to time; grasping the work situation and reporting to the township insurance agency in a timely manner.
目的:研究五加科植物刺五加Acanthopanax senticosus(Rupr.et Maxim .) Harms 茎叶中的化学成分。方法:利用各种色谱技术进行分离纯化,根据理化性质和光谱数据进行结构鉴定。结果:得到3 个化合物,分别鉴定为新刺五加酚(neociwujiaphenol,IV),阿魏酸葡
冷空气闻起来不一样  松针,烟雾,积雪……冬天的一切总能带给人独特的嗅觉体验,这种气味为什么与夏季的炎热气味有所不同呢?  美国感官心理学家和气味专家帕米拉·道尔顿博士认为,原因之一是随着温度降低,气味分子的移动变得更为缓慢。这意味着在寒冷干爽的日子里,可闻的气味要少于炎热潮湿的时候。同样的道理,这也是为什么热汤比冷汤闻起来更有味道,垃圾车在闷热的夏天散发的臭味更强烈的原因。  更重要的是,当周围