(一) 1986年颁布《义务教育法》以来,上海市人民政府积极地依法实施义务教育,成绩十分明显。特别是1988年以来,上海面临小学入学高峰,各级政府在保证儿童依法入学、提高教育质量和改善办学条件等方面,做了不少卓有成效的工作。一、依法保证适龄儿童、少年接受义务教育的权利1.市区小学从1988年起,连续三年共增加18.6万名小学生。至1990年9月,全市小学在校生比1988年增长12%,达110.2万人。在校初中生38.5万人,比1988年增长7.2%。由于人口分布的不均衡,部分区三年里小学生增长超过2O%。在入学高峰冲击下,各级政府尽力执行《义务教育法》,保证了儿童、少年入学,避免出现两部制。盲、聋等残疾儿童和弱智儿童教育也已纳入普及义务教育轨
(1) Since the promulgation of the Compulsory Education Law in 1986, the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government has actively implemented compulsory education according to law, and the achievements have been very clear. Especially since 1988, Shanghai is facing the peak of primary school enrollment. Governments at all levels have done a lot of fruitful work in ensuring children’s enrollment in schools, improving the quality of education and improving the conditions for running schools. First, according to the law to ensure that school-age children, adolescents receive the right to compulsory education 1. Urban primary school since 1988, for a total of 186,000 primary school students for three consecutive years. By September 1990, the number of primary school students in the city increased by 12% over the previous year to 1,102,000. 385,000 junior high school students, an increase of 7.2% over 1988. Due to the unbalanced population distribution, pupils in some districts grew by more than 20% in three years. Under the peak of admission, all levels of government tried their best to implement the Compulsory Education Law, guaranteed children and adolescents to attend school and avoided the emergence of a two-part system. Education for the handicapped and mentally handicapped children, such as the blind and deaf, has also been incorporated into the education on universal compulsory education