
来源 :农产品市场周刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rocwingw
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“今年玉米的产量,因为受到水灾和风灾的影响,有所降低。”吉林省扶余县新富村村民老赵告诉笔者,“但是玉米的价格仅有微弱上涨,最高时候涨到过一斤1.2元,最近一段时间又降到了1.1元。”2011年老赵是以1.06元一斤的价格卖掉自家玉米的,但是今年受灾害天气影响,收成减了两成左右,加上化肥、农药、人工这些成本都上涨了,即使在1.2元的价格上他也不太愿意出售,“当时觉得这个价还不能收回成本,就没卖,现在价格一回落,更不愿意卖了。”老赵说。农业部农产品监测数据显示,2012年8月底,玉米全国收购均价为2309.7元/吨,较年初的2183.15元/吨上涨5.80%,但9月以来玉米价格开始震荡下滑,10月18日以来,玉米均价持续在2170元/吨左右,较高点回落逾6%。 “The output of corn this year has been somewhat reduced due to the impact of floods and typhoons.” “Lao Zhao, a villager at Xincu Village, Fuyu County, Jilin Province, told the author,” but the price of corn rose only marginally and reached a peak Kg 1.2 yuan, the most recent period has dropped to 1.1 yuan. “2011 Zhao Zhao is 1.06 yuan a pound to sell their own corn prices, but affected by the disaster this year, the crop reduced by about 20%, coupled with fertilizer , Pesticides, labor costs have risen, even if the price of 1.2 yuan he is not willing to sell, ”At the time that the price can not recover the cost, it did not sell, and now prices fell, but less willing to sell. "Zhao said. The monitoring data of agricultural products by the Ministry of Agriculture shows that the average purchase price of corn nationwide was 2309.7 yuan / ton at the end of August 2012, up 5.80% from 2183.15 yuan / ton at the beginning of the year. However, since September, the price of corn started to fluctuate decisively. Since October 18, The average price of corn continued at 2170 yuan / ton, higher point down more than 6%.
Unit 5 First AiPeriod Two First Aid for Bs(Reading,45 minutes◆Teaching aims1.Knowledge aimsEnable the Ss to le new words and useful expressions of this unit2.A