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The main target of the study was to perform a life cycle assessment of a Prius PHEV by Ga Bi modeling.The ANL model was used to simplify the functional unit and the process of Ga Bi modeling in material production, while the Ga Bi modeling was used to analyse some specific processes during the component manufacture unavailable in GREET 2.The assembly, use and repair phase were also investigated. The results revealed that the use phase accounts for a majority of energy use and emissions which result from fuel combustion and electricity generation for charging the batteries. Mineral resources consumption are dominated by material production. Besides, the Ga Bi modeling helps to improve the accuracy of CO2 emission calculation during the component manufacture about 17.39%. The main target of the study was to perform a life cycle assessment of a Prius PHEV by Ga Bi modeling. ANL model was used to simplify the functional unit and the process of Ga Bi modeling in material production, while the Ga Bi modeling was used to analyze some specific processes during the component manufacture unavailable in GREET 2. The assembly, use and repair phase were also investigated. The results revealed that the use phase accounts for a majority of energy use and emissions which result from fuel combustion and electricity generation for charging the batteries. Mineral resources consumption are dominated by material production. Besides, the Ga Bi modeling helps to improve the accuracy of CO2 emission calculation during the component manufacture about 17.39%.
日前召开的江苏省高校后勤工作座谈会传出消息 ,江苏教育(连锁)超市建设工作正式启动 ,它将以江苏省无锡商业学校为主体组建江苏教育(连锁)超市有限责任公司 ,同时按照加盟连锁的
患者男,52岁,因"反复心悸、气短8年,加重伴全身水肿1周"于2002年2月16日入院.患者8年前因心悸、气短住院治疗,诊断为扩张型心肌病,后常因心力衰竭加重住院治疗.1周前感冒后出现心悸、气短加重,常伴夜间阵发性呼吸困难,全身水肿,口服地高辛、氢氯噻嗪无好转,遂入院.体格检查:体温35.4°C,血压100/70 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),呼吸22次/min.神志清楚,呼吸急促
金秋的漳州,在素有“花果之乡”、“富饶的闽南金三角”之称的自然景观之中,又凭添了几许研讨职业教育开发人力资源的文化氛围,使漳州 更璀璨。   8月 14日,来自祖国大陆福建、