Formation of high-Sn content polycrystalline GeSn films by pulsed laser annealing on co-sputtered am

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Polycrystalline Ge_(1-x)Sn_x(poly-Ge_(1-x)Sn_x) alloy thin films with high Sn content(> 10%) were fabricated by cosputtering amorphous GeSn(a-GeSn) on Ge(100) wafers and subsequently pulsed laser annealing with laser energy density in the range of 250 mJ/cm~2 to 550 mJ/cm~2. High quality poly-crystal Ge_(0.90) Sn_(0.10) and Ge_(0.82) Sn_(0.18) films with average grain sizes of 94 nm and 54 nm were obtained, respectively. Sn segregation at the grain boundaries makes Sn content in the poly-GeSn alloys slightly less than that in the corresponding primary a-GeSn. The crystalline grain size is reduced with the increase of the laser energy density or higher Sn content in the primary a-GeSn films due to the booming of nucleation numbers. The Raman peak shift of Ge-Ge mode in the poly crystalline GeSn can be attributed to Sn substitution, strain,and disorder. The dependence of Raman peak shift of the Ge-Ge mode caused by strain and disorder in GeSn films on full-width at half-maximum(FWHM) is well quantified by a linear relationship, which provides an effective method to evaluate the quality of poly-Ge_(1-x)Sn_x by Raman spectra. (1-x) Sn_x) alloy thin films with high Sn content (> 10%) were fabricated by cosputtering amorphous GeSn (a-GeSn) on Ge (100) High quality poly-crystal Ge_ (0.90) Sn_ (0.10) and Ge_ (0.82) Sn_ (0.18) films with average The grain sizes of 94 nm and 54 nm were obtained, respectively. respectively. Sn segregation at the grain boundaries makes Sn content in the poly-GeSn alloys slightly less than that in the corresponding primary a-GeSn. the laser energy density or higher Sn content in the primary a-GeSn films due to the booming of nucleation numbers. The Raman peak shift of Ge-Ge mode in the poly crystalline GeSn can be attributed to Sn substitution, strain, and disorder. dependence of Raman peak shift of the Ge-Ge mode caused by strain and disorder in GeSn films on full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) is well quantified by a linear relationship, which provides an effective method to evaluate the quality of poly-Ge_ (1-x) Sn_x by Raman spectra.
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