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那只羊,终于被很多人看见了。晚间新闻的随手拍栏目,它被人用手机拍了段视频。那是只灰黑色的小羊,骨肉匀称,在羊的年龄里该是个少年,头上刚长出两茬小尖角。有人的时候,它会忽然疯起来,竖着小角上蹿下跳佯作顶人。有时候也来真的,尤其钟爱小朋友,那次就把一个四岁小姑娘的腿肚子划破了皮,幸好当时是拴着的。小姑娘嗷嗷大哭,家长来找羊算账。张奶奶这才跑出来,护着她的羊。张奶奶来自内蒙古呼伦贝尔市新巴尔虎右 The sheep was finally seen by many people. Night section of the news readily shot, it was people took a cell phone video. It was a gray-black lamb with well-proportioned flesh, a juvenile in the age of the sheep, and a short sharp corner of his head. When someone, it will suddenly crazy up, hanging on the small corner of the vertical jump jump pretending to be the top. Sometimes it came to being true, especially for children. At that time, the skin of a four-year-old girl’s calf was scratched. Fortunately, it was tied at that time. Little girl cried, parents came to find the sheep. Grandma Zhang ran out to protect her sheep. Zhang Grandma from Hulun Buir City, Inner Mongolia Xinbaerhu right
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Q我与丈夫2002年登记结婚。婚后,丈夫为寻求婚外的慰藉,有了外遇。2006年8月,丈夫向我提出协议离婚,遭到我的拒绝。2006年11月,他便向法院起诉离婚。看到 Q I register with
故乡杳无际,日暮且孤征。  川原迷旧国,道路人边城。  野戍荒烟断,深山古木平。  如何此时恨,嗷嗷夜猿鸣。  (《全唐诗》卷八四)  【赏析】  陈子昂以一曲《登幽州台歌》让后人深深记住了他,也乐道他。《登幽州台歌》好就好在诗意的张力上,其于陈子昂来讲,所抒发的是失意之情,而于万千读者来说,则可以推此及彼至更广阔的思想及情感领域。陈子昂不唯《登幽州台歌》写得好,他的很多诗写得都不错,比如这首《晚
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请你根据数字的排列、数字的特点,各猜一个四字成语。 Please guess a four-character idiom according to the arrangement of numbers and the characteristics of number
秋风试寒初,一片乡心点滴闲。滴到湘江多是泪,珊珊。染得无情竹也斑。百和夜烧残,唤起征鸿行路难。梦里江南秋尚好,般般。皎月黄花次第看。 At the beginning of the cold a