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半年已过,各方都在盘点。扑朔迷离的楼市,到底走出了什么样的曲线?杭州市统计局总统计师杜国忠7月14日透露,今年1至6月,杭州房地产总体价格平均上涨11.8%。与此同步的是,杭州房地产开发投资与去年同比增加41.3%,高于全市全社会固定资产投资增长速度近12个百分点。省城调队的抽样调查也显示,上半年,浙江省房屋销售价格比去年同期上涨15.8%.涨幅比上年扩大3.1个百分点,房价涨幅再创新高。这个数据,似乎还显示杭州以至全省楼市依然红火。但是,就在这半年里,杭州和全省的楼市都发生了相当大的变化。其中5月份省房博会无疑是一个分水岭。因此,二季度或者5、6月份的数据似乎更能说明杭州楼市的发展趋势。省城调队的统计数据显示,二季度我省房屋销售价格虽仍惯性上冲,但涨幅回落。涨速也有所趋缓。今年一季度我省房屋销售价格的环比涨速为6.1%,而二季度环比涨速减为2.7%,回落3.4个百分点。湖州、绍兴、金华等 Six months have passed, all parties are in inventory. Confusing and turmoil in the property market, in the end out of what kind of curve? Hangzhou Statistics Bureau chief accountant Du Guozhong revealed on July 14, January to June this year, Hangzhou real estate prices rose 11.8% on average. In line with this, the investment in real estate development in Hangzhou increased by 41.3% from the same period of last year, which was higher than the growth rate of investment in fixed assets in the whole city of nearly 12%. Provincial capital transfer team sample survey also showed that in the first half, housing sales in Zhejiang Province rose 15.8% over the same period last year. The increase of 3.1 percentage points over the previous year, housing prices hit a new high. This data, it seems that the property market in Hangzhou and even the province is still booming. However, in the past six months, considerable changes have taken place in the property market in Hangzhou and the province. One of the provincial housing Expo in May is undoubtedly a watershed. Therefore, the data in the second quarter or May and June seems to be more indicative of the development trend of the property market in Hangzhou. Provincial provincial transfer team statistics show that in the second quarter, although the housing sales price in our province is still inertia on the red, but the increase down. The rise has also slowed down. In the first quarter of this year, the sales price of our province rose by 6.1% qoq, while the growth rate in the second quarter was revised down by 2.7% qoq, down 3.4 ppts. Huzhou, Shaoxing, Jinhua and so on
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。“尼康杯”杭博会摄影大奖赛——获奖作品 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view p
跌得太凶,总是有反弹的;不来则已,一来则是凶猛的绝地反击。9月14日,上海股市在跌破1300点岌岌可危之际风云突起.两周内就回弹到了年线1500点附近。 涨得太凶,毕竟是要歇歇的
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。李志清 写生作品 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Li Zhiqing ske
本文介绍了深圳市如何根据本地的特点,坚持国家有关规定,专网建设,自成体统,高起点、高标准的建设本市有线电视多的体会。具体阐述了网络总体设计思想及工程建设的实践经验。 Th