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豆浆对人体有滋补作用,受到大众的喜爱。但喝豆浆时要注意以下几点: 一、忌冲鸡蛋。鸡蛋中粘液性蛋白质容易和豆浆中的胰蛋白酶结合,产生不被人体所能吸收的物质而失去营养价值。二、忌冲红糖。因为红糖里的有机酸能够和豆浆中的蛋白质结合,产生沉淀物。而加白糖则无此现象。三、忌不煮透。豆浆里含有胰蛋白酶抑制物,如煮不透,人喝了会发生恶心、呕吐、腹泻等不适症状。四、忌装入保温瓶。豆浆中有能除掉保温瓶里水垢的酸性物质,且豆浆在保温瓶内存放时间长了,细菌 Soy milk on the human body has a nourishing effect, by the public’s favorite. However, drink milk should pay attention to the following points: First, avoid red eggs. Mucinous eggs in eggs easily combine with trypsin in soy milk to produce substances that are not absorbed by the body and lose their nutritional value. Second, avoid red brown sugar. Because the organic acids in brown sugar can combine with the protein in soy milk, a precipitate is produced. The addition of sugar is no such phenomenon. Third, avoid not cook thoroughly. Soy milk containing trypsin inhibitors, such as cooking does not penetrate, people drink nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms. Fourth, avoid loading thermos bottle. Soy milk can remove the thermos flask scale acidic substances, and milk in the thermos bottle storage for a long time, bacteria
目的 分析微生物检验在临床中的质量控制价值.方法 选取200例呼吸道感染患者,平分为观察组与对照组,分别采取微生物检验方式、质量控制与常规方式,对比两组各项指标.结果 观
目的:分析在初产妇中应用分娩球和自由体位助产护理的临床效果.方法:择取 44 例初产妇,将其随机分组研究,对照组(22 例)实施常规助产护理,研究组(22 例)采用分娩球和自由体位