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例1,男,28岁(尸解号75—01),干部。1975年元月13日晚睡时较迟,14日凌晨5时,同住者闻其大声惊叫,7时发现其已死亡在床,有遗精现象。既往史:同事提供一月前出差时在长途汽车内几乎晕倒。作胸腔局部解剖,心脏大于死者右拳,舒张状态。重量及各瓣膜周径见表1。肺功脉瓣四叶,菲薄,各瓣膜附着点间距不完全相等,后瓣最窄(表2),右瓣两附着点前下方各有粟粒大破孔(图1),右心室腔扩大,心脏肉眼及镜检均见轻度风湿性病变,两肺严重淤血,双下肺叶外下各有一个高度为6cm的楔形出血性梗死灶。 Example 1, male, 28 years old (necropsy No. 75-01), cadres. On the evening of January 13, 1975, when it was late for sleep, late at night on January 13, 1975, at 5 a.m. on the 14th, its residents were screaming loudly and found that they had died in bed at 7 o’clock and had nocturnal emission. Past history: Co-workers provided almost fainted in coaches during their business trip in January. For chest anatomy, the heart than the deceased right boxing, diastolic state. Table 1 shows the weight and circumference of each valve. Pulmonary valve four leaves, meager, the valve attachment points are not exactly the same spacing, the narrowest flap (Table 2), the right flap two points before the bottom of each miliary hole (Figure 1), the right ventricular cavity expansion, heart Both the naked eye and microscopic examination were mild rheumatic lesions, severe congestion of both lungs, double lower lobes each have a height of 6cm wedge hemorrhagic infarction.
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