
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahhshpl
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Purpose of study: To present a model for the assessment, investigation, and management of an atypical outbreak of infectious endophthalmitis of indeterminate aetiology. Methods: A published statistical model was used to determine when the case-load constituted an outbreak. Intraocular surgery was discontinued and a multidisciplinary infection control team was formed aimed at identifying potential causative factors among the following categories: environment around theatre, preoperative preparation, intraoperative theatre practices, intraoperative surgical practices,postoperative practices, equipment maintenance guidelines, cleaning/sterilization practices, and microbiological screening. Results: Five cases of postoperative endophthalmitis developed following uncomplicated phacoemulsification cataract surgery by different surgeons over a 7-month period. Despite full investigation no single focus of infection could be determined. Four out of five cases were culture positive. Three grew Streptococcus viridansof different strains. The fourth culture grew Staphylococcus aureus. In the absence of a single causative factor, it was postulated the combined effect of multiple potential factors may have led to an increased bacterial load and subsequent infection rate. Improved practices were initiated including new cleaning protocols to combat the build-up of debris on phacoemulsification instruments. Cataract surgery was resumed with 3-monthly microbiological monitoring. There have been no further cases in the 12 months following the changes. Conclusion: Outbreaks of endophthalmitis typically present over a short time period and could often be attributed to a single infective cause. We present our experience of detecting and managing this cluster and recommend a “ground-up”multidisciplinary model to manage future outbreaks of this devastating condition. Purpose of study: To present a model for the assessment, investigation, and management of an atypical outbreak of infectious endophthalmitis of indeterminate aetiology. Methods: A published statistical model was used to determine when the case-load composed an outbreak. Intraocular surgery was discontinued and a multidisciplinary infection control team was formed aimed at identifying potential causative factors among the following categories: environment around theater, preoperative preparation, intraoperative practices practices, intraoperative surgical practices, postoperative practices, equipment maintenance guidelines, cleaning / sterilization practices, and microbiological screening. Results: Five cases of postoperative endophthalmitis developed following uncomplicated phacoemulsification cataract surgery by different surgeons over a 7-month period. Despite full investigation no single focus of infection could be determined. Four out of five cases were culture positive. Three grew S The fourth culture grew Staphylococcus aureus. In the absence of a single causative factor, it was postulated the combined effect of multiple potential factors may have led to an increased bacterial load and subsequent infection rate. Improved practices were issued including new cleaning protocols to combat the build-up of debris on phacoemulsification instruments. Cataract surgery was resumed with 3-monthly microbiological monitoring. There have been no further cases in the 12 months following the changes. Conclusion: Outbreaks of endophthalmitis typically present over a short time period and could often be attributed to a single infective cause. We present our experience of detecting and managing this cluster and recommend a “ground-up” multidisciplinary model to manage future outbreaks of this devastating condition.
Aim: To see if scotoma detected with frequency doubling technology (FDT) is confirmed by Humphrey field analyser (HFA) 3 years later. Methods: Subjects were fir
一、引形象,激兴趣,导入新课    师:同学们,今天老师给大家带来了一位朋友。(点击:三毛像)  生(开心地喊起来):“三毛,三毛。”  师:看来,同学们对这位朋友非常熟悉。是的,他就是著名画家张乐平爷爷为我们创造的三毛。(板书:三毛)  师:为什么称呼他为“三毛”呢?  生:因为他只有三根毛。  师:是三根“毛”吗?是三根——  生:三根头发。  师:对,只有三根头发,这是我们可爱的三毛与众不同
The microstructure of an AA 7B04 alloy in the form of plate was investigated using differential scanning calorimetry(DSC)and TEM analysis technologies.Tensile p