
来源 :城市规划汇刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zexuan123
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旅游规划目标作为对旅游发展全局性要求的简要、生动的反映,是旅游规划科学性、合理性的集中标志.旅游规划目标的制定,是依据有关基础条件和发展政策,对旅游发展的未来可能性所作的状态和位置抉择。该目标既应该是符合目的的.也应该是通过主观努力可达的.旅游规划指标则是对规划目标所确定的方位进一步量化所形成的一系列可度量的技术标准.旅游规划目标常根据外部环境和内部条件,借助旅游规划指标这一工具,来实现对旅游发展的预测和对规划目标的精确度量。 As a brief and vivid reflection of the overall requirements of tourism development, the goal of tourism planning is the centralized sign of the scientific and reasonable tourism planning. The formulation of tourism planning objectives is based on the basic conditions and development policies, the future development of tourism possibilities made by the state and position choices. This goal should be both in line with purpose. It should also be reachable through subjective efforts. The tourism planning index is a series of measurable technical standards formed by further quantifying the location determined by the planning objectives. Tourism planning objectives often based on external environment and internal conditions, with the help of tourism planning indicators this tool to achieve the prediction of tourism development and the planning objectives of the precise measurement.
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