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盼望了好久,好久,放学铃终于响了,响得那么清脆,振得我的心乐呵呵的。我悄悄伸手到抽屉里去拿球拍,扭头看见李灿枝也正把手伸到抽屉里去。我们的目光一相遇,便会心地笑了起来。“老师再见!”“同学们再见!”喊声未落,我俩就拔腿向台球室跑去。跑到球台旁边,哎呀,不好!今天不是我当值日生吗?我要打扫课室呀。我拿着球拍犹豫起来了。“何荣昌,你怎么啦?”李灿枝对我睁圆了眼睛。“今天我当值日生,我要打扫教室呀!”我为难地说。“别管它!快点练习反手攻球吧!”他给我打气,接着又问,“今天谁当卫生检查员?”“潘正丽。这个有名的辣椒,可不是好惹的呀!”“算了吧!”李灿枝向我括了一下鼻子,“你呀,堂堂男子汉,怕起小辫子来!辣椒,有什么可怕?” Hope for a long time, long time, the school bell finally rang, sounded so crisp, vibrate my heart music happily. I quietly reached out to the drawer to take the racket, turned and saw Lee Chan Chan also reached out to the drawer. As soon as our eyes met, we laughed heartily. “Goodbye teacher!” “Goodbye classmates!” Shouted, we both run to the billiard room. Ran to the table next to, oh, not good! Today is not my daily life? I want to clean the classroom ah. I hesitated with a racket. “He Rongchang, how are you?” Lee Chan-kwan opened my eyes to me. “Today I am on duty, I want to clean the classroom!” I said embarrassed. “Do not worry about it! Practice your backhand attack!” He cheered me on and asked, “Who is a health inspector today?” “Panzheng Li, the famous pepper, is not a mess!” “Li Tsan-chih covered my nose with me,” You, a dignified man, afraid of a pigtail! Pepper, what's terrible? "
【问题呈现】有特级教师曾感慨地说,近几年高考作文在文体的选择上记叙文的数量非常可怜。而获得高分的记叙文则更是凤 [Problems] There are special teachers have said w
六安师范第一附小为了增强学生的体质,丰富学生的课余生活,大力开展乒乓球活动。 In order to enhance students 'physique, enrich students' extra-curricular life and v
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A young father was visiting an older neighbour. They were standing in the older man's garden and talking about children. The young man said, “How strict should