
来源 :食药用菌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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2013年9月9~10日,美国蘑菇理事会在华盛顿召开食用菌与健康峰会。会议指出,将食用菌定位为健康食品和养生保健品的研究主要集中于最近的几十年。中国是最早栽培食用菌的国家,目前仍然和美国、意大利、荷兰、波兰一样,是全球食用菌生产大国之一。虽然在饮食上,食用菌被认为是一种蔬菜,但它是一种真菌,区别在于食用菌中含量极低的维生素B12的存在形式与肉类的相同,麦角固醇能通过紫外光照转换为维生素D2和共轭亚油酸。食用菌是麦角硫因(存在于自然界的一种稀有氨基酸,在机体内具有重要的生理活性)的罕见来源,同时含有硒、纤维素及其他维生素和矿物质。一些临床前和临床试验,研究了食用菌对认知能力、体重管理、口腔健康和患癌几率的影响。初步证据表明,食用菌可能通过与肠道菌群的互动,提供良好的免疫和炎症反应,增强适应性免疫的发展和改进免疫细胞功能。除了直接提供营养和健康福祉之外,美国食物摄入量调查数据的分析表明,食用菌还与更高的膳食质量有关。早期的感官研究表明,食用菌与肉类和低钠菜肴混合很受欢迎,在不影响口味的情况下可能有助于减少红色肉类(牛、羊肉等)和盐的摄入。食用菌特定的健康效应研究进展表明,需要通过有效的沟通交流,实现利用食用菌来提高整体饮食质量的目标。. On September 9-10, 2013, the Mushroom Council held an edible fungus and health summit in Washington. The meeting pointed out that the positioning of edible mushrooms as health food and health care products mainly concentrated in recent decades. China is the earliest country to cultivate edible mushrooms. At present, China, like the United States, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland, is still one of the largest edible fungus producing countries in the world. Although in the diet, edible fungus is considered a vegetable, but it is a fungus, the difference is that the content of vitamin B12 is very low in edible fungi in the same form as meat, ergosterol can be converted to Vitamin D2 and conjugated linoleic acid. Edible fungi are a rare source of ergothionein (a rare amino acid found in nature that has important physiological activity in the body), along with selenium, cellulose and other vitamins and minerals. Several preclinical and clinical trials have examined the effect of edible fungi on cognitive ability, weight management, oral health and cancer risk. Preliminary evidence suggests that edible fungi may provide good immune and inflammatory responses, enhance the development of adaptive immunity and improve immune cell function through interaction with gut flora. In addition to providing direct nutritional and health benefits, an analysis of data from the US Food Intake Survey shows that edible mushrooms are also associated with higher dietary quality. Early sensory studies showed that edible fungi, mixed with meat and low-sodium dishes, are popular and may help reduce red meat (beef, lamb, etc.) and salt intake without affecting the taste. The research on specific health effects of edible fungi shows that the objective of using edible fungi to improve the overall quality of food needs to be achieved through effective communication and exchange. .
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