
来源 :工会理论研究.上海工会管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:babydir
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认真加强新时期的工会工作是我国工会贯彻党史的十六大精神的重要课题。重视发挥工会的作用,关系到加强党的执政地位和实现全面建设小康社会的战略目标,也与加强我国工人阶级的主人翁地位和工会切实代表与维护广大劳动者的权益有密切的关系,同时也是抵御敌对势力对工运领域渗透的有力保证。温故而知新。20世纪80年代波兰发生的大规模工潮和团结工会闹事,最终导致共产党执政地位丧失的历史事件虽然已过去十多年了,但是其严重的历史教训至今仍警示我们:如果工会工作搞得不好并让敌对势力对工会领域渗透的图谋得逞,就会产生严重的政治后果,甚至危及党的领导和社会主义事业。这并非危言耸听。所以,我们今天仍有必要结合新形势,重温波兰事件在工人阶级和工会问题上的历史教训与启示,以利于我们加深对搞好新时期工会工作重要性和急迫性的认识。 To conscientiously strengthen the work of trade unions in the new period is an important issue for our trade unions to carry out the spirit of the 16th National Party Congress. Attaching importance to playing the role of a trade union concerns the strategic goal of strengthening the party’s ruling position and realizing the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way. It is also closely related to strengthening the ownership of China’s working class, effectively representing the trade union and safeguarding the rights and interests of the broad masses of workers. Resolute the powerful guarantee that the hostile forces infiltrate into the labor movement. Therefore, it is new. Although more than a decade has passed since the massive wave of labor unrest and the unification of trade unions in Poland in the 1980s, the historical event that led to the loss of the communist party’s ruling position has, however, still led us to serious historical lessons so far: If union work is not done well And allowing hostile forces to infiltrate the trade union field, will have serious political consequences and will even endanger the party’s leadership and the cause of socialism. This is not alarmist. Therefore, it is still necessary for us today to review the historical lessons and enlightenment of the Polish incident on the working class and trade unions in light of the new situation so as to help us deepen our understanding of the importance and urgency of doing well the work of trade unions in the new period.
大学的时光总是美好而短暂的,转眼间已经大四了,找工作成了人人都迫切关注的问题。为什么不试试在 The time in the university is always beautiful and short, and it is
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